Euro Army First Look

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pHatBambi said:
The colour of the caps are linked to the different regimental roles. Para's have a burgundy red, Marines green, Royal artillery is black I think, the MP have bright red caps, not sure what colour the RAF regiment is. I think it's a shade of blue. Will have to ask my mate Atkins as he's a bastard officer in the regiment.

Dunno if anyone can add to that.


The RAF Regiment don't wear Berets, they have helmets in combat and wear the usual RAF hat on official occasions I THINK. I will double check this though...

Back to the booster pack... Dissapointed with the L85A2, looks a bit rubbish tbh and NO SCOPE???


In Cryo Sleep
Pubic_Warior said:
kevlar helmets (standard British helmet) would, didnt you see that dude who shot his helmet 4 times and said a iraqi did it, the news said he was well lucky, but he did it himself

Yup, I think all NATO armies now are equipped with kevlar helmets, bullets cant penetrate them, oh and that guy was very lucky, did you see the pic of him after it happened?


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy said:
The RAF Regiment don't wear Berets, they have helmets in combat and wear the usual RAF hat on official occasions I THINK. I will double check this though...

Back to the booster pack... Dissapointed with the L85A2, looks a bit rubbish tbh and NO SCOPE???

Its not that uncommon, I think the gun looks better without it, also its easier to see whats going on around you when looking down the sights.


Nah, it needs a susat,
and anyway the games a bit boogered (they've screwed up with the L85 and that spec forces unlock the Scar or whatever) It's not a sight, it's an aiming post, so it shouldn't block your vision right?

They managed to get it right with the M4, you can see your surroundings, but L85 and Scar? Black circle of death ---- grrrr
"Rambles on"


In Cryo Sleep
Fi$hy said:
Nah, it needs a susat,
and anyway the games a bit boogered (they've screwed up with the L85 and that spec forces unlock the Scar or whatever) It's not a sight, it's an aiming post, so it shouldn't block your vision right?

They managed to get it right with the M4, you can see your surroundings, but L85 and Scar? Black circle of death ---- grrrr
"Rambles on"

Very true, only just noticed that after you said it. Should fix that really.
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