[EVE] [EVE] Early direction


New Member

I am now playing Eve as the character: Vonya Bluewater

Currently a mass-miner busy stripping Eletta and Vay systems (Gallente space) of all asteroids before the two macro pilots in the area get hold of the good ore spots.


Junior Administrator
I have varius turrets, ranging from the 150mm Railguns, 280mm cannons and the varius Pulse laser turrets, I'd have to say that they really do help!


Junior Administrator
Okay, I made a decision last night to go and join in with my friends in the ACA-- Corp, (A training corp of the ACE-- corp which are heavily PVP orientated) I'm flying around in a Ferox because, in my oppinion it looks Awesome. I'd say it looks like a Command Cruiser rather than a Battlecruiser but I like it :)

Compared to the Drake it has 5 missile points and 7 turret points, the sheilds are a little smaller, but the resistances are huge, this is going to be an active sheild tank.

I'm going to say that after I've trained a bit more I'll be PVP orientated and thus can help you out in PVP wars :) Theres nothing like actual training in the subject by people that know what to do is there :p

If Ronin, and or wraith would like to join in some of the mission runs we're doing you're welcome, you will get an equal percentage in Gross ISK :)

The offer is also out to vibs but well, hes MILES AWAY right now so till he hauls ass its a no :p


New Member
Yay! A miner! You signed up to the corp?

Nope, am a mass miner for Gallach Minig Corp, New Eve Mining and manufacturing Organisation alliance. I have given a signal to the leader of NEMO to try and gain Haven NetWorks as a part of NEMO as well as stretched my hand out in the forums here to get your attentions to it :P.