[EVE] [EVE] WAR against Hexstoof


Junior Administrator
Some corp from Pator has decided to declare war on us. My response to this due to the fact at least 2 of their members have been playing since September is to go hide in Caldari space doing some lvl3 missions up near where Pia is going to be doing level 4 stuff. If they want to come over there to get me that is their prerogative and I'm hoping they won't as I'm not at all kitted for pvp at all. I also have no interest just yet in fighting that sort of fight or losing my shiny new ship.

I'm not bothered if people think I'm a coward for running and hiding I'm not losing my ship the day after getting it. If we can get some big mean ally to come help us then maybe it's a different matter but I'm not at all interested.

If the unanimous of the rest of the Corp is to planned skulk out Pator then I'm happy to tank and be a ranged missile platform for us but I'm not up for this unless all the big guns all congregate in Pator and we fight as one blob.

This sort of thing in a month sounds brilliant I just don't want to die yet.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've refitted to a more PvP configuration from my PvE/salvager configuration.

I tried to talk the other Corp out of this mad war but they're wanting to practice PvP, or so they say, and they're not for being talked out of it. Apparently, they've researched Haven NetWorks and figured we'd be a good match. I blame Pia and Bambi. So, diplomacy failed. Feel free to run and hide if you want to stay out of this. I plan on running missions as usual but my location may vary randomly to keep me out of ambush lines.

The war is for a week, according to them. Weapons free around 21:30 (20:30ish EVEtime) Wednesday night. No podkilling. I agreed, insofar as anyone can, that we'd not podkill if they didn't either and they've accepted that.

Otherwise, I heartily recommend shooting them in the face any chance you get, preferably in a dark corner of space with overwhelming firepower on your side while they scream in agony in the grip of you webs and warp scramblers. :D


Junior Administrator
Hmmm, i'm going to still hang in pator, I like my contact in pator and i'm not going to run i've decided. As an interest do these people now show up on my scanner as red/yellow/white i'd like to know incase I need to look out for white dots tagetting me on entering the system.


Junior Administrator
Theres an option you can select in the overview settings to turn at war enemies background colour on, and then select said colour, so you'll know who they are :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
By default, they should show up with a red star in the overview, rather like friends show up with a green star.


Junior Administrator
They seem to be using a combination of Drakes and Caracals with heavy missiles. No idea what stuff they are using as all I can find in battleclinic is their victims kit. They've got one kill from a guy with a cruise missile, but that doesn't say he is from hexstoof, not sure if that means he was an ally or just some punter who turned up in a raven to have some fun.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Yeah, that cruise missile actually looks like bounty hunting. The HeXstoof guy was in a pod at the time and the only reason it shows up as a kill is probably because the deceased and the HeXstoof guy traded fire. I wouldn't be overly surprised if that's one of the things that has caused them to want to buff their PvP skills.

Basically, if they start showing up with wings of Battleships then we know it was a load of cobblers about practice. They do, however, only have 11 members and last report is that they're not in a formal alliance (according to the EVE interface) so we'd theoretically stand a chance.


Junior Administrator
I'm contemplating doing the training straight from the Destroyer into a Battlecruiser as I'm only a day away from it. ITs just ammasing the cash to do something about it :)

I can get some nice tips and stuff from ACA-- as to how I go about fitting a ship for PVP.

If we're going to activly go into this war, we can go hunting them with an EM ship, long range missile battery and a short range platform of heavy and medium turrets :)


Junior Administrator
They're already registering to the boards,

Ronin may I suggest a Private sub forum for HNW Corp? :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm not going to make a private EVE/Corp forum as the rest of the community appear to want to read about the stuff going on in EVE.

However, I will make us a War Room, with The Big Board in it, and make that controlled-access only.


Junior Administrator
Ah thats probably alot more along the lines of what we need, yes :)

I was more concerened about the safety of our movements and other plans that may or may not end up threaded on the boards that can, ultimately, and inevitably be used for plotting an ambush.


In Cryo Sleep
Seriously, I'm away for a DAY and you get into a war?!

Whasat? They're on the public forums? .... to the Battlefield 2 Bunker! Oh, wait...

*whisper whisper*

Ssssppss, spppsss.


Well-Known Member
Yes! This game has finally got properly interesting! I bet it was Trax salvaging someones stuff! :p

I will most definitely have a battlecruier by the end of the week. I know what I'm going to fit in it.

Keep what you're going to do private, there are spies everywhere!