Well first thanks for ruining my rep with the CEO by letting him know I was Paying you for ship kills.

Hes convinced that I must have been doing that for all my WAR kills
As some of you may have gathered although we WERE using this war as practice, it was specificly Stealth Bomber practice. (Having said that tho, I will also add that we only have two good PVP players, and the rest of the corp do need general practice)
THEY ARE A BLOODY CLAN. so we could expect 1) More memebers in EVE to join the corp 2) The rest of the clan to suddenly join and fly riffters
They was some seriours worry that we would loose this war, (ie we did setup our fallback sites) becuse of the seemingly older players and the fact you DO have the whole clan to call apon for free trails. (That might sound far fetched, but we got two ppl for 14 days from a clan in BF 2142 that the CEO was in, for a war agaisnt us). The NO Podding rule was infact for OUR benifit, incase we started to get kicked across the systems
You did very well to manage to field as bob put it a "blob" that had 2/1 numbers , unfortunatly your lack of practice (or even concideration when it comes to SBs), means that you where at a loss to do anything. So.......
SB) A Stealth bomber is paper thin, they put a lot of alpha strike out but really not that much Damage per second, a resonable Crusier should be able to cope with 6-7 vollies min, so close them down. If you have Afterbruners or micro warps use them. Once you are in locking range, and get a lock, the SB cannot then re cloak, and is toast.
For the frigates and destroyers, look what is behind the SB, the SB pilot has warped to where they are from somewhere, so warp to a point that makes a line from the SB warpto target (last night it was your HQ), and the SB. Warp to this distant point, then warp back to 100km from the target (ie your HQ). This will put you, if not on top of the target, at least a lot closer.
The drake) First two crusiers CAN kill a drake, but it need two good crusier pilots who work well as a team.
With your level of PVP you really should only think of shooting at a drake when you can hit from +55 km. The drake has one of the BEST tanks in the game it has like +5 Magic resist Shield just as one of its basic skills but its the slowest of the BCs. So.... dont fight them unless you really really have to. It was physicly impossible for me to catch any of you last night with the drake, yet one by one you let me do just that. IF all your fire cannot be brought to bear on the one target at the same time, leave/get distance, till a time that it can
Anyway. Good luck with your Corp.
DONT STEAL SALVAGE. (Thats not why we picked you, but from your boards I get the implication that some of you members are doing this, and I would advice you that with the corps current level of PVP you are just asking to be killed)
DONT FLIP MINING CANS. ( I dont think you are doing this, but dont unless you again dont mind a war)
If you avoid these two and dont smack-talk local, the you will probably be adle to avoid a war until some "protection" corp stumbles on you.
IF you are war deced by a fullon PVP corp, remeber that yesturdays Enemies can be tommorows friends, and Call us. The worst that can happen if that we comfirm that you are in trouble