Fallen to the Dark side!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Well it had to happen sometime I've finally fallen to the darkside and got Guildwars. Had some money for WHsmiths and it was either this or COD2.

So I have created a new character Furigar Elanson and hes lvl 2 ranger at mo any advice I would appreciate it.



Staff member
My first character was a ranger as well, and I chose elementalist as a second class. Worked ok for me, it was an easy way to learn.

Anyway, hope to see you ingame :)


In Cryo Sleep
I've fallen in love with you all over again Fury.

I shall send you an invite to join the Guild. You'll see it next time you Log in. KillCrazy still has a character where you are at the moment so he can help you. But if any advice etc is needed dont hesittae to ask me or anyone else.

See you in game soon


In Cryo Sleep
Hey peeps I have a character too!

She be, Pious Persephone and a Lvl 14 priest to boot :)


Lol, I've just realised they're call monks is Guildwars :eek:.


In Cryo Sleep
I'll send you an invite aswell.

edit:OK, you should both have Invites next time you sign in :D

[mod]Ah-HAH! the neatness nazi strikes again! merged reply to own post. //Doc[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Gopha said:
wooo go for a Ranger/monk dats what i am and its good!
Monk secondary is boring. Good for tanking/soloing, but it's got to be the most popular secondary just because everyone wants to heal themselves. :rolleyes: It actually gives you less flexibility later on in the game since to be an effective healer you need quite high attributes, which will take attribute points away from offensive things. However you wouldn't make a good healer because you have less energy regen and no Divine Favour. So you're left with a mostly redundant secondary, you'll probably take one or two heal spells which will come in handy but not keep you alive as a monk might.

But go for whatever you want SgtFury, there are advantages to all of them. And monk secondary will certainly make your life easier :)

My first character was ranger/elementalist, you can deal the most damage as an elementalist, and you get a wide range of spells, offensive, defensive, hexes and enchantments etc. The attributes (fire, earth, air and water) all have very different spells, and naturally their own damage type too (although all are 'elemental' damage). And as a ranger you'll be attacking from a distance anyway, which is where an elementalist should be. A problem with r/e is energy, you don't have energy storage like a primary elementalist, and also less energy regen, so those costly spells (eles have loads of them) will be harder to cast.

As I said though, there are advantages to all, I'm just describing r/e because I played one. :D

Also ranger (atm at least) is a good class for farming tough areas at the end of the game like Fissure of Woe and Underworld. The reason is the skills that are often overlooked early on - traps. Unless they nerf traps, you can spam loads of them. Then lure an enemy (shoot an arrow or something) and run back. Enemies die in your traps. You can farm just about anywhere with the right skills.

It means you can take a three man team into UW for example, which means the money and loot is shared between less players, which means more chance of good items :)

Hope something I said helped ;)

BiG D said:
My first character was a ranger as well, and I chose elementalist as a second class. Worked ok for me, it was an easy way to learn.
I thought your secondary was mesmer?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Nice thoughts Carth,
I've got a ranger/mesmer, with a panther as a pet.
Pretty interesting with the hexes and stuff. Ignite arrows does a nice bit of damage too. :)


In Cryo Sleep
Lol, I chose Elementalist as my second class, only to find I couldn't get the mana expandy skill I was after unless it was my primary. D’oh!l :eek:.


In Cryo Sleep
SgtFury said:
Nice thoughts Carth,
I've got a ranger/mesmer, with a panther as a pet.
Nice, you'll be an expert interrupter, can make life hell for casters :)

BiG_D has a ranger/mesmer, maybe he can give you tips some time.


Staff member
Carth said:
I thought your secondary was mesmer?
Aye, it is, but...

I played through the beta with a ranger/ele (hence my first character...) when they wiped the beta characters, I decided to try something new :)

But yes, I know the ranger/mesmer inside out, so if you want some tips, Fury, just find me sometime when I'm playing. Or any other time, because finding me playing guildwars is tough some months... ;)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Well after getting that character to lvl 6 (wow!) I decided to try something else.

So now I have a Monk/Warrior lvl 4 called Furi Elanto (I think). Was enjoying going down into the catacombs last night, letting 4 corpses gang up on me and then hitting them all with the wrath spell :).

Saying that what you've said about the interuppter part sounds interesting.


In Cryo Sleep
Monk/warrior is the best combination to make a 55hp invincimonk (with enough money, and if they don't nerf it). However you won't have warrior's armour and damage reduction, so getting up close (the way a warrior fights) might not be such a good idea.

I remember the catacombs bit as well, smiting prayers are great against undead. Pwned in fact :D

If you play as a healer (or any caster) against good interrupters or caster haters (you get lots of them later on in the game) you'll understand how powerful they are :mad: