Favourite words


In Cryo Sleep
antediluvian is a firm possibility, with asinine another strong contender.

Others include hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words) and misnomer.


In Cryo Sleep

ok I made it up but it means when Dezmonds weiner is itchy after sex with Linda Duke his penis is trapadidilous


Junior Administrator
I like my one wood and my 5 wood.

OH my bad you were looking for words. :p

In which case favourite word is Salubrious. I don't know why I have just decided it is awesome. Or it could be paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin It's a brand new wonder drug I think you'll find enticing.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I have a fondness for "albeit", partly for confusing me when I was younger into saying it as if it were a foreign word (al-bay-it).

And "whiffling", for that is what the Jabberwock does.