Final Fantasy XIII...


Well-Known Member
Now they tell me! And I chose ps3 mainly for this game.. otherwise might have got xbox (it has more RPGs out)


New Member
Well, FF-XIII maybe, but what about FF-XIII Versus? That may still be PS3 exclusive...


Well-Known Member
You can always hope, PS3 boy.

I'd love to read Cook's input to the ever-depreciative paper weight that is a PS3.


Staff member
Now they tell me! And I chose ps3 mainly for this game.. otherwise might have got xbox (it has more RPGs out)

Yep. Early adopters get screwed again. least you get LittleBigPlanet. :mad:


New Member
LBP will be awesome, at least thats one game outside MGS4 I can boast about... and Darth Vader on Soul Calibre


New Member
Who said anything about lightsaber use? I was thinking that Vader could just use inventive Force Grip moves, and would move like a power-style (ie, his hits may be slow but would deal more powerful damage) whereas Yoda would be like Talim, fast but does less damage per hit.


You can always hope, PS3 boy.

I'd love to read Cook's input to the ever-depreciative paper weight that is a PS3.

My input hmmm. FF series i like but i always get bored of the game before i finish it sept VII.... err well still the PS3 gets it first before they even start to port it to 360 for those who care....
But im not fussed im still playin MGS4 witch ive completed 4 times and have the Big Boss emblem :P hardest to get...
And the MGO expantion was out yesturday so im still online raked 150 odd on TDM sumhow :S lol

Anyways we still have Little Big Planet, Home, Killzone 2 and some other stuff lol :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I believe that FFXIII will be released simultaneously on PS3 and X360, except in Japan where it'll be a PS3 exclusive for a bit.


I believe that FFXIII will be released simultaneously on PS3 and X360, except in Japan where it'll be a PS3 exclusive for a bit.

Possibly im not 100% sure like i say i like the series but only a fan of VII and a bit VIII. The newer ones just arnt as good.
Still MGS FTW any PS3 owners on here im still yet to add...
Add me Cookalarcha :D


Junior Administrator
O look! Another way for Sony to arsefuck their customers!

When will these customers finally realise that they are being treated like shit?