Final Fantasy XIII...


New Member
FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII and FFX are pretty much the only FF games I like, although I have played all the FF games from I to XII.


O look! Another way for Sony to arsefuck their customers!

When will these customers finally realise that they are being treated like shit?

When will 360 cutsomers shut up about how awsome the 1-2 year breaking down console is actually on its way out within 2-5 years


Junior Administrator
I'm on the side of the 360 owners, and I own a PS3, its a giant dust magnet, honestly I've cleaned the dust off of that thing more times than I have turned it on.

Though, I only played on of the earlier FF's and never really found it interesting....


Well-Known Member
FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII and FFX are pretty much the only FF games I like, although I have played all the FF games from I to XII.

FFIV (aka FF2 in USA on SNES) is my all time fave.. I'm surprised it's not on your list as the story & characters are probably the best in the series. It's been remade on the DS.. translated version should be out soon.. *cheers*


New Member
FFVI (FF3 in USA on SNES, because they're idiots...) is the next re-release on DS and out within the next month or so, so I'm kinda excited...

Isn't FFIV the one with Cecil, the most brain-dead deathknight-turned-paladin?


Well-Known Member
FFVI (FF3 in USA on SNES, because they're idiots...) is the next re-release on DS and out within the next month or so, so I'm kinda excited...

Isn't FFIV the one with Cecil, the most brain-dead deathknight-turned-paladin?

Yeah it is! He was my least favorite character. I liked Yang and Rydia the most. Plus are you sure on your DS info.. I'm positive it's FFIV out next. Seen vids and allsorts (of the jap version). Or are you referring to yet another remake in the pipeline which isn't even out in Japan yet?

I liked FFVI.. didn't quite complete it. Didn't enjoy the story as much as FFIV. Would give it another go if it came out with sparkly new graphics though!

As for FFV.. meh.. too hard!! *is a wuss* But difficulty aside (nothing a bit of grinding won't fix afterall) I really don't like being able to change character jobs and stuff. I don't like games even now where you can customize any character to be any role. I prefer it when the character's personality suits the role and you build on that role and make it as powerful as it can be.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I liked FFVII FFVIII on PS and FF Tactics on the PSP, but FFI on the PSP..... drives me nuts!!! Trying to figure where you are supposed to go is a nightmare, you can't tell where you are on the map compared to other places unless you have an amazing memory.... or is there a large scale map button im missing???


New Member
FFI is a nightmare as the storyline was pretty much an addition rather than the driving force of the game, making it difficult to know where you were supposed to be headed.

And yeah, you're right, FFIV is the next one on DS, got them mixed up. I hope FFVI does get a DS remake, the GBA version was awesome


In Cryo Sleep
I've played the numbered ones FFI to FFXII, but missed basically all of FFIII and FFXI. So yeah, only the PS and PS2 ones so far. And played/watched some of the others for awhile.

I did enjoy most of them, but as is said above, FFI wasn't great. My only other problem with the ones that I've played is FFX-2 in my opinion it really shouldn't have existed it really did suck that much and made a mockery of the loved jobs system.

But on subject - I don't mind that FFXIII will be on the 360 aswell as PS3, I will however mind if something goes wrong because of that fact and shall haunt all 360 users, starting with my brother. Frankly, it looks like a fantastic game and from what i've read about the storyline it sounds solid enough and im looking forward to the uber battlesystem which make FFXIIs look turnbased heh. So yeah, great disappointment if it sucks.


Well-Known Member
Meh.. they're making it real time?

God I hate that.. why can't they go back to turn based. Every other game genre out there requires constant attention and button mashing (apart from turn-based strategy).. whereas RPG's have always been my "slower paced" choice of game for when I need to unwind and just play out a good story.



New Member
Well, the new battlesystem for FFXIII allows a player to select a stream of commands for the character to use and the character will then use the commands int he order you selected. During the "selection" the game will run in slow motion until you finish giving commands.

The idea of this was to create advent-children styled battles and, to what I've already seen, it pulls it off quite well.


Well-Known Member
Got an import of the US FFIV.. it rocks so far. It's changed enough to make it interesting all over again, but kept the storyline as it was.


Well-Known Member
I've got the import as well, and I've fallen in love with it all over again. More story than before, more dialogue than before, a polished game system, good voice acting...

And they kept the most important line in gaming history in it...

"You... you spoony bard!"


Staff member
FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII and FFX are pretty much the only FF games I like, although I have played all the FF games from I to XII.

Obviously I was just skimming the thread and missed this the first time...

What does it say about the franchise when someone lists five games and says they're the "only" ones they like? :eek:


Well-Known Member
I've got the import as well, and I've fallen in love with it all over again. More story than before, more dialogue than before, a polished game system, good voice acting...

And they kept the most important line in gaming history in it...

"You... you spoony bard!"

Yeah, made me chuckle ;)