[DF] Fortress Year Eight


Staff member
Time to whip this fort into shape. This time around I won't be struggling to keep us fed and hydrated and can focus on more important things, like turning our military into less of a joke. So, first things first. I've ordered them to train and updated their schedule to make sure most of them are training at any given time.

Second, I've ordered all of the obvious veins of ore and useful rocks dug out. We'll probably have to settle for iron armor for now, but it's better than the COW BONE that many of them are wearing. I've told our less experienced miners to piss off for now, as we don't need them ruining the important ores.

Once that's done, it's time to start digging down. We need RICHES.

3rd Granite, 1061
So... It turns out our vast graveyard is in fact JUST ABOVE a giant underground cavern. That was quick. Dig orders have been modified to avoid the cavern and continue downwards...

8th Granite, 1061
Two more caverns at the same time. Still no riches. Did hit marble, though, which means we can focus on making steel equipment. Less experienced miners have been called back to duty, time to dig this shit out.

20th Granite, 1061
One of our medics has decided to begin a mysterious construction rather than healing people. Awesome.

24th Granite, 1061
It's a goddamn wooden piccolo with an image of a stupid eagle on it.

1st Felsite, 1061
Some migrants have arrived...

10th Felsite, 1061
...and have been slaughtered.

11th Felsite, 1061
Another cavern, and raw adamantine! Finally.

17th Felsite, 1061
The goblins appear to have given up and left. Opening the gate to allow the surviving migrants in.

18th Felsite, 1061
And an elven caravan arrives. I guess we might as well let them in too. We get a bunch of lumber, some drink, and some other miscellaneous stuff in exchange for a pile of crafts.

2nd Hematite, 1061
One of the dogs bumped into a thief outside, which might be a sign of an impending goblin attack. Going to risk it for now, as there's still more stuff to collect from outside and we need to get rid of the elves yet too...

15th Hematite, 1061
Bad news. The minotaur Sakrith Orrundalzat has been spotted nearby. Everyone has been ordered indoors.

18th Hematite, 1061
A close call, as my clueless minions take their time pulling the lever to raise the bridge, but it retracts just in the nick of time.

1st Malachite, 1061
The minotaur has moved away from the bridge, going to let the elves out and close it behind them. I doubt they'll make it out alive, but at least it should be entertaining.

The exit is open for a few days, and the elves don't move. The minotaur starts moving towards the bridge, so I order it raised again.

15th Malachite, 1061
Some suicidal migrants have arrived.


Active Member
So, you've found adamantine without killing us all? That's good! Armour and weapons for our troops soon aye?

Sounds like we're going to need a pretty big military to survive in this place.


Staff member
1st Granite, 1062
Our small group of seven has been sent to once again reclaim this cursed fort...

Demons and goblins and megabeasts everywhere. This fort is lost.

I would suggest we start a new fort, as the lack of military is really quite crippling.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
All dead? Everyone? What, absolutely everyone?

That sounds like the most incredible catastrophe. I'd be okay with a restart but please would you post the last save from the fortress as is, if possible? Then we can all sob over the demise of Ekastbom Kib, The Not-So-Safehomes of Nets.


Active Member
Dug too deep and too greedily huh? I must admit I did see that happening as soon as Big D mentioned adamantite. :p


Active Member
I think what happened was that Big D dug for adamantium (the FUN ore), which when you dig through leads to the entrance to Hell.

When you breach Hell demons come, then you die, Mines of Moria style.


Staff member
Nah, adamantine is relatively safe as long as you're cautious. This was just terrible luck; the vein was hollow one level from the top. Also didn't help that everyone was too lazy to build the walls I tried to seal the area off with.

Anyway, here's the save. Does someone want to start a new fort?



Junior Administrator
Im with zoggy on this one personally. I'd suggest we start again and found a new city. I'm still interested in joining but I need time out of work to work out wtf is going on first!


Junior Administrator
Well, how much of the year did you get upto D (I don't know how it works when your slaughtered) if it's a case of a new fort, I'll give that a go as it was my turn next :)


Active Member
Let's wait and see what Ronin says then, as I remember him wanting to use the same fortress for the whole game, but we can't even reclaim it now what with it being filled with demons forever.

Though if we do start a new fortress we might at least end up somewhere with fewer goblins.


Junior Administrator
Let's wait and see what Ronin says then, as I remember him wanting to use the same fortress for the whole game, but we can't even reclaim it now what with it being filled with demons forever.

Though if we do start a new fortress we might at least end up somewhere with fewer goblins.

In my opinion "the whole game" has finished :p