Friendly clan war vs TS (8th Jan 2006)

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In Cryo Sleep
We won! :D

THN: 137
TS: 132



Active Member
thatbloke said:
Wasnt it 132-127???

Does it matter? Either way is a 5 ticket win for THN. Well done guys. Scoreline seems to suggest it was a close match.



P.S. Sorry I didn't show up to reserve. I was actually around but my computer had just blown up (not literally of course - just a continuation of all the problems I've been having recently) and my parents computer was being used. Oh well, sounds like you didn't need me anyway.


In Cryo Sleep
it was my first clan match thing and it was good, but i think i played pants and probably never be asked to play again lol o well poo happens :(


In Cryo Sleep
well u will still be better than me , lol ive had this game since last june and im still pants


Junior Administrator
Staff member
You played well Pubic, I remember many occasion where we all fell and I kept on seeing kills from you coming up :)

The only thing I would say you might need practice with is using the G button to grab your SL's kit and bring him back :) But then I would say that since Im biased to me staying alive.


In Cryo Sleep
Lol, that is one of the most important skills in the game!

Though as a fellow SL I'm sure I'm biased too :)


In Cryo Sleep
The only thing I would say you might need practice with is using the G button to grab your SL's kit and bring him back
sgt fury i realy wanted to bring you back but you die in the worst places lol i tried a few times but got slotted, and its kind of selfish but if i went for u then it wud be 2 tickets lost and not 1, if u didnt die in front of a hovering chopper or next to a grenade id happily revive you
I remember many occasion where we all fell and I kept on seeing kills from you coming up
i also remember this moment, to be honest it wasnt that good, i took some1 out and then preyed on the medics running towards him :D


In Cryo Sleep
Pubic Warior said:
sgt fury i realy wanted to bring you back but you die in the worst places

Lol, I know that feeling. You just want to shout at your squad for not bringing you back even though it's entirely unreasonable :D

Pubic you did play well, I remember you had the entire kill list to yourself at one point :)
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