Junior Administrator
And as I said, when they start getting extortionate, expect to see me leading the charge.
I'm with Nanor on this one. and that quote of his sums it up for me.
And as I said, when they start getting extortionate, expect to see me leading the charge.
But that's only the price that they are selling it at. If you can retail them individually for 40 each, but stick them in a bundle where they average out to about ten dollars each, and still make a profit, doesn't that tell you something?
Heh, I was just indulging in nit-pickery, I saw your point.
but doesn't that mean they could sell them individually for £10 each?
Pricing software is a very difficult process. (Read the whole thing, dammit, or you'll miss the important parts!) Valve, in this case, has decided not to go with a tiered pricing system, and is treating everyone equally.Every games outlet sells them at £20, right? In the bundle they go for £10 each. That's all well and good (and cheap!), but doesn't that mean they could sell them individually for £10 each? Even if they just made it a retrospective deal i.e. people who own HL2 and Ep1 already can pick them up for £10 each (or, as a nice happy medium, £30 for the three they don't have, but not cheap individually), that'd be a nice gesture.
I had meant to ask this earlier: how many of the games did you already own otherwise? Why is this bundle any different?Firstly, I have nothing wrong with bundles. I love them. I bought the id Super Duper Wooper pack from Steam and love every bit of it.
I had meant to ask this earlier: how many of the games did you already own otherwise? Why is this bundle any different?
In this day and age, it's inexcusable for valve to deny customers (previous, loyal customers, no less) the freedom to customise which software they buy.
I believe they will still be offering them individually (they do, after all, have individual prices listed in the pack.)In this case, it's a little odd we can't buy EP2, TF2 or Portal individually but somewhere in there they've probably come to the understanding that they won't make sufficient money if they offer them individually.
If Portal is really good, I might buy the bundle just for that in the same way as one might buy an album just for one song -- though, with online music sales of individual tracks one might say that attitude is redundant now.
And, tying in with the quote of mine which you started your post off with, with the advent of steam, broadband and downloadable games, why can't we make it redundant in respect to games as well?
I believe they will still be offering them individually (they do, after all, have individual prices listed in the pack.)
EDIT: Man, Ronin posted 2 comments whilst I was writing this one inThis is in reply to BiG_D's
I have a feeling this likely means you can't preorder them individually. Other games in the "coming soon" list don't have prices either (Kane & Lynch (YAY!) and Race 07) though I assume they will eventually.When you click on the games themselves, however, they do not list them as individual sales.
If you, say, click on EP1 then you see that it can be bought individually for $9.99. Not so for EP2, TF2 or Portal.
Edit: I just had a thought. I have a feeling that if Valve had not listed HL2 and EP1 in the list of games, and instead said "also includes a coupon code for a free copy of HL2 + EP1" you guys wouldn't be complaining. If they had made it sound like an "optional" bonus, I really doubt you would take issue.