Going to Alps...I will be AFK for a little while.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I don't think he went he's just hiding from us internet wise :D He's sat at home drinking lager top all day with marshmallows :D


Well-Known Member
Anyways, we were flying over France, and I fell out off the aeroplane, along with my snowboard and salopettes..."

"..because I was sleeping and I thought I was in the 101st Airborne and that it was WW2. The locals were perplexed as I kept screaming 'Thunder!' expecting too get 'Flash!' in reply. The ones that didn't reply a stabbed with my trusty bayonet..."

Someone continue!


Staff member
Anyway there I was, strapped on and ready to go, my heart pounding and sense of anticipation as I faced the gargantuan challenge ahead of me.



Junior Administrator
Anyway there I was, strapped on and ready to go, my heart pounding and sense of anticipation as I faced the gargantuan challenge ahead of me.


Such a mountain of hargen-daz cookies and cream ice cream had never been seen before, but with my trusty strap on spork attachment Iknew what I had to do......


In Cryo Sleep
grrrrrrrrr hagen daz! y oh y dose my mum insist im on a diet! Oh the guilt!

Any way....

after scooping a strip down the mountain, our adventurer then had a hudge ball of ice cream to dispand some where. Was very unfortunate for the small village below!