Guild KoS


Junior Administrator
Well, you're hardly wearing solid gold and platinum, are you?

All that means birdy is that you have had more of a life recently and haven't spent your entire time playing WoW. Also what the point in taking on ppl much lower than you, where's the challenge. Would be like me spending my entire time playing BF2142 looking for plebs to kill. I'd much rather rinse a whole load of Brig Gens.
You wear your rubbish kit with pride.


Well-Known Member
New addition, and these people are to be griefed where possible: Sanctuary. For think it is funny to use a full group of their 70s to grief our lowbies over and over and over as if it makes them big.


Well-Known Member
Good grief, aren't they on the list... I'd better correct that, I've experienced and heard of more than enough of their meeting-stone-gankers before...


New Member
There is a new Alliance guild called 'Conscience'

You had better put them in, just to be on the safe side. Nothing worse than being ganked from a nobody. :)