Re: Guild Mod Pack
Right, built a new version of the mod pack... took long enough, sorry
The new version is in the first post as always!
Anyhoo, major changed here:
-Trimmed out some uneccesary and outdated MetaMap modules
-Removed SmartMount: too dangerous for those of us on flying mounts if we brush the wrong key while airborne. I've nearly died a few times from this (only reason I haven't actually died yet is because of my Parachute cloak...)
-Removed GEM (we're using GC now, and GEM was pissing me off)
-Added Group Calendar
-Updated everything that was in the pack
And now for a quick explanation of each of the things in the modpack:
!Swatter - this is an error-crusher for the Auctioneer pack, I recommend having it on
Atlas - provides dungeon maps
AtlasFlightPaths - provides locations of the flight paths around the world
AtlasLoot - plugs into Atlas's dungeon maps feature to tell you what loot the bosses and some trash mobs drop in dungeons
Auctioneer - improves the Auction House's interface quite a bit, really helps for those of us forever peddling our wares on the AH
BeanCounter - can't say I'm too sure as to its exact functionality other than the fact that it plugs into the mailbox and comes with Auctioneer
BtmScan - Auctioneer extender, helps with picking good prices for goods you're about to auction off
CT_RABossMods - this is mostly for raid leaders, if you aren't leading a raid I recommend you turn it off. It let's you automatically send warnings about certain events in certain raid boss fights
CT_RaidAssist - essential mod for raiding, I'd go so far as to say "don't turn up without it"
Enchantrix - allows you to see what an item you mouseover can disenchant into, and the chances of it disenchanting into those things
EhnTooltip - tells you the buy and sell prices of an item you mouseover, if it is used in various professions or quests, and what prices you've seen it for on the AH
Equipcompare - mouse over any equippable item and a small box with your equivalent equipped item will pop up next to it so you can easily compare the two items, awesome for judging whether to take an item or not
GFW_AdSpace - whenever you mouseover a recipe or pattern of some kind for professions, this little mod tells you if the recipe is buyable from a vendor, and how much for; prevents you being ripped off on the AH! It also tells you if certain items are repeatable rep-hand-ins or Darkmoon Faire hand-ins
GroupCalendar - essential and very nice calendar system that we use to organise raid events, this mod is not optional for Zeitgeist members
Informant - essential part of the Auctioneer Pack, don't turn it off!
KLHThreatMeter - this is also essential for raids; you can see how much threat you're generating compared to other people in the group who also have the mod
MetaMap - makes the in-game map much more effecient and more functional
MetaMapBWP - waypoint system for MetaMap
MetaMapFWM - allows you to reveal undiscovered areas of the map on MetaMap to take a peek at what's there
MetaMapTRK - think Gatherer, but embedded into MetaMap
ModInfo2 - if you have ever fought a mob before, whenever you mouseover one in the future, a tooltip will appear with the mobs HP, MP, DPS, if it runs when hurt, the average cash drops, and the items of note it has dropped in the past
Stubby - fundamental underpinning of all Auctioneer Pack mods, don't turn off
VanasKoS - Kill On sight mod, gives you alerts when enemies or members of guilds that you have flagged as KoS are near, very handy to avoid ganking or to dish out the gankage.
That should be all.. as always, poke me if there's a really essential-for-all mod I should put in!