Guinness World Record attempt at I33


Well-Known Member
Hold on, this record break includes not peeing? I thought it was just not sleeping!


Ah, you see, such problems like relieving yourself while gaming can be resolved in one of two ways:

  1. You just don't care.
  2. You take a laptop into the bathroom.
To be fair, to consider either option you'd have to be pretty determined to be record-beating!

My own record for continued game playing is about 13 hours, was playing Half-Life Deathmatch against bots at a friends house overnight... I am the king of Undertow and Subtransit... (at least at 3am :D)

You are a fool, a fool I say! You forgot the "lots of empty bottles" trick. It's been done before, that's all I'm saying! O.O


Junior Administrator
Usually being ejected from an event because of "antisocial behaviour" can interfere with record-breaking attempts. :p