[TF2] Hat Update wooooooooooooooo!


In Cryo Sleep
guessing its introducing some kind of "Keepsies" system involving dominations and hats. the clue is in the cartoon, and the front page, heavy and engineer laughing at a hatless scout, engy and heavy are often scout dominating classes.

Whether this will effect hat drop rates, (or rework them) and cause mass self masturbating rage on the forum and community is anyones guess, as i have no hats (and are therefor no better than common irish filth) i cant say :D


In Cryo Sleep
I have the prussian spikeyhaube thing.

And it is awesome

For I am better than you :p

I still want the pyro beanie though :-( After 243 hours of pyro you'd think I'd have found the farking thing!


Staff member
At least the bloody thing has awarded you something other than MANY MANY syringeguns...


I've got all the unlocks EXCEPT for the can of BONK and any hats. I've actually gone through and deleted any extra items I had of anything due to my OCD.


Well-Known Member

I think I'm actually going to buy Left 4 Dead 2. Simply because TF2 is that awesome I think they're owed more.


Staff member

I think I'm actually going to buy Left 4 Dead 2. Simply because TF2 is that awesome I think they're owed more.
I'm not going to buy it because it's on a release schedule that's three times fast than their EPISODIC game. Fuck them.


In Cryo Sleep
I'd love to acutally know how they calculate the unlocks cos its all rather random....

I got 2 or 3 in the minimal hours I played last night, but havent got hats in ages though, yet i see other people who just dont seem to be getting any.


They semi-explained it on the blog at one point. They took the average amount of time that a person plays TF2 in a week, and made it so that they would get an unlock a week with playing the game that amount of time. Though it's obviously a probability that tends towards 1 as the player's time approaches the average time, rather than a "at X hours, give unlock", which is why you get some people getting them all the time, and some people never getting anything. As for what you get, you have a MUCH larger chance of getting an unlock then you do a hat, but once it's work out which of these you get, I think it's pretty random as to what you get... If that makes sense? =/

In theory, it's not a bad system. Though they should have the probability of an unlock tend towards things you don't have. Not a lot, but enough so that while you do get repeat items, you also get those damn cans of BONK YOU BASTARDS!


In Cryo Sleep
Oooo. a kritzkrieg ive just got. Got a cloak and dagger earlier tonight....

edit: and a huntsman now - so thats three tonight!

woop. Why cant I ebay these things. lol.

edit again: - "Übercharged players can no longer be stunned." - yays. (linky again: http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/).

They seem to have added quite a few tweaks in this update.

"# Update PLR_Pipeline
- Increased the starting advantage in the third round if a team has won the first two rounds." Thats good to see though as the advantage given was pretty damned crap 2bh.


In Cryo Sleep
Really looking forward to king of the hill, skeptical about the Fan changes, its in a good place right now, and only needs the knockback tweaked. hopefully they haven't broken it.

Im also glad ill get to play nucleus and sawmill (which is actually awesome!) without having to endure god awful arena mode.

edit again: - "Übercharged players can no longer be stunned." - yays. (linky again: http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/).

The Sandman is better but still useless, 95 hp? thanks for removing that second before we die, to now dieing instantaneously when we get hit by anything.

The stunning ubers was a nice use for it. With the stun damage reduction theres no point in stunning people, when you could kill them much faster.

Stunning full stop has always been a bad idea. and when this item first came out i was very apprehensive to its usefulness to anyone who plays more than a one trick scout.

Some bonk fixes would make me rage less, like letting me move through enemy team members so they cant block me in corridors, or having it replace the bat :) i still have faith!


Junior Administrator
Really looking forward to king of the hill, skeptical about the Fan changes, its in a good place right now, and only needs the knockback tweaked. hopefully they haven't broken it.

Im also glad ill get to play nucleus and sawmill (which is actually awesome!) without having to endure god awful arena mode.

The Sandman is better but still useless, 95 hp? thanks for removing that second before we die, to now dieing instantaneously when we get hit by anything.

The stunning ubers was a nice use for it. With the stun damage reduction theres no point in stunning people, when you could kill them much faster.

Stunning full stop has always been a bad idea. and when this item first came out i was very apprehensive to its usefulness to anyone who plays more than a one trick scout.

Some bonk fixes would make me rage less, like letting me move through enemy team members so they cant block me in corridors, or having it replace the bat :) i still have faith!
Isn't this the more useful part of the sandman changes?

TF2 said:
The negative attribute has changed from "no double jump" to "-30 max health".


In Cryo Sleep
not really, now there trying to make it part of your "run and gun" scout kit, as apposed to being a dedicated uber blocker.

Removing the Uber stun makes the bat entirely useless since stunning someone gives them so much resistance you cant kill them before they come round at point blank anyway. Stopping ubercharges was the only useful thing it could do.