Haven needs a new rig.


Well-Known Member
Oh no! Not another bit you need to buy for a PC. Graphics cards, sound cards, network cards ... physics cards. What next, 'emotion cards'?

I remember hearing that Intel said that processors were becoming so powerful that in the future there may not be a need for Graphics Cards. I can't find the link though.


In Cryo Sleep
Intel are supposed to be releasing Nehalem chips with on-chip GPU next year, but I don't expect it to be much good - can you imagine trying to squeeze four cores and an 8800-class GPU onto a single chip? You'd be able to make toast with it from fifty yards away.


Junior Administrator
The next chip is already getting ready for mass production :p

A mister fish wouldn't tell me what it was though :( HE KNOWS DAMNIT! Especially as I was holding the silicon wafer for the chip above I shall call, FISH'S SECRET. Yes I know its a terrible code-name but so's your face! :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

At the risk of seriously hijacking the thread... :)

if you have a ppu you will have lower fps in game due to the nature of the thing. They are an awesome idea in principle but I still can't see them taking off. Hopefully nvidia can do somet useful with them. But we'd still need the game manufacturers to want to make games that make having one worthwhile in the first place

I agree with that on principle...

However, I'm reminded of the time when 3D accelerators started to come up. I remember a point in time where I actually scoured the shops for non-3D cards because, for some reason, the 3D engine reserved graphics memory and so I couldn't get the resolutions I wanted, and there weren't enough games to warrant 3D cards anyway, so why bother.

Grantedly, that was ten years ago, but still, if memory serves, there are one or two games out there today that require a PPU, so I believe it really is just a matter of time.

As for what's next: AI processor chips, smell emitters, 3D goggles with near-real-time motion response, you name it. :)



Staff member
Thanks for all the responses.

I decided I'd rather sit and stare at the monies in the bank (a nice change!) and live with sub-standard frame rates in a hand full of games I hardly play.

At least until Nehalem comes along anyway :)

The current hardware just doesn't "feel" worth it right now.

Haven out.