This is a call for all those capable and prepared to put in the hard work required to complete 10 man Trial of the Grand Crusader and Ulduar Hard Modes.
Requirements before you hit the reply button:
Raids date is still to be decided, but it will be starting (and I really do mean first pull starting!) at 6:30pm GMT. Invites will start 10-15 mins before. Raids will run for 3 to 3.5 hours depending on interest.
There will only be two healers and two tanks present so it will be a very tough run and surivivability and healing ability are going to be essential.
If you are interested post character name and role. If you are capable of meeting all the requirements listed on an offspec or alt then you are welcome to post up multiple options. In case we do not have the numbers to meet these requirements I am not restricting this to guild members alone but would prefer a full 10 man of Havenites. Ideally we want your best foot forward so be honest when posting first and second choice options.
If you are unsure if you are ready for these very demanding instances from a gear perspective then post up anyway with a link to your wow heroes page and I'll take a look.
Requirements before you hit the reply button:
- DPS: 4k+ minimum single target dps if you are a dps class
- ALL gear correctly gemmed and enchanted
- Healers, capable of sustaining 3.5k+ hps without mana issues
- Prepared to be on time and pay attention for at least 3 hours without extended afks (yes there will be breaks )
- Prepared to read up on all TotGC fights before the event to understand the hard mode differences
Raids date is still to be decided, but it will be starting (and I really do mean first pull starting!) at 6:30pm GMT. Invites will start 10-15 mins before. Raids will run for 3 to 3.5 hours depending on interest.
There will only be two healers and two tanks present so it will be a very tough run and surivivability and healing ability are going to be essential.
If you are interested post character name and role. If you are capable of meeting all the requirements listed on an offspec or alt then you are welcome to post up multiple options. In case we do not have the numbers to meet these requirements I am not restricting this to guild members alone but would prefer a full 10 man of Havenites. Ideally we want your best foot forward so be honest when posting first and second choice options.
If you are unsure if you are ready for these very demanding instances from a gear perspective then post up anyway with a link to your wow heroes page and I'll take a look.