Junior Administrator
So yeah, might give this a miss too... Unfortunately. Not least as I have no internet to my PC (again), but also as the EULA (which you agree to by playing the game) states that your IP address, operating system, and information on peripheral hardware can be collected and given to "affliates".
"Joy!", I hear you all scream. So I may ignore this as a stand against stupid games companies. Boo
Linky, though I wouldn't say it's full blown "adware" like the article suggests. But that's another debate for another time.
hmmm that sounds like an argument that came up when 2142 was released and I believe it is using a very similar thing and if I'm not mistaken u played that.
Or now that ur playing xbox where other ppl make games are u taking the higher ground on this one.
Also who gives a monkies arse if someone knows my hardware setup, I sure don't. And as you can get someones IP fairly easily its not exactly like thats a big secret either is it.
I'm yet to actually play as each time i try the beta servers are down, but if its a good game then they can do as they wish with my hardware specs.