So today is LX day, and I find myself with twenty five dungeon and raid quests in my quest log, with no way to get, you now, moar kwezts. Needz moar kwezts. Thus, I want to do some heroics come "raid time", today.
I can pretty much do any role except ranged DPS, but I'm in quest greens and blues for all specs, plus my healing gear is actually missing shoulders of any kind. Still, having soloed some 5-man group quests, I've found that my bear is quite tough even in my crappy gear, so I propose to tank some stuffs.
Who's with me?
So today is LX day, and I find myself with twenty five dungeon and raid quests in my quest log, with no way to get, you now, moar kwezts. Needz moar kwezts. Thus, I want to do some heroics come "raid time", today.
I can pretty much do any role except ranged DPS, but I'm in quest greens and blues for all specs, plus my healing gear is actually missing shoulders of any kind. Still, having soloed some 5-man group quests, I've found that my bear is quite tough even in my crappy gear, so I propose to tank some stuffs.
Who's with me?