How should we deal with our criminals?


New Member
Would you? Would you really? I think you should consider what you're saying. How does having your name cleared and being released from prison even remotely lead to something like suicide?! I am having real trouble with the logic here...

Because after spending 30 years in prison you can't just re-integrate into society at the click of your fingers. Also, 30 years in prison is a long time. it ruins your life. So, say your imprisoned at 25, you'll be 55 when your released. Thats 10 years of your working life left, then say 10-20 years being retired. Not to mention the fact that prison destroys your mental and possibly your physical state. So your chances of survival in society are really rather slim. I know what I would do. Put poison in your dinner, go to bed and never wake up.


Well-Known Member
I fail to understand the logic of kiling yourself, but why wouldn't you do it in prison instead of waiting 30 years?


In Cryo Sleep
And plus whos to say that when you get out you dont win the lottery and then live in Hawaii surrounded by beautiful women? :D


Staff member
Death penalty for murder of any kind as long as the evidence is insurmountable.
How do you deal with co-ercion, how do you deal with diminished responsibilty ? How do you deal with accidental death (proven or un proven).

Politicians, the mentally disabled, soldiers - there are many examples of people fitting into one of these categories at some point when causing death either directly, unknowingly (or without self conrtol) or under the orders of others.

If you murder someone for their crimes then you must be 100% sure of the conviction or by your own rules face death yourself. It seems almost daily that we see prison sentences over turned and people who's lives have been ruined by an imperfect judicial system released from long periods of false imprisonment. You can't release someone you've murdered if you later over turn their conviction.

I appreciate you have a right to your views but consider the points above as well.

I am strongly against causing the purposeful death of anyone except in the most dire requirement of self defence when facing death yourself. My own life is my own to live or end as I choose but I do not believe I should wield that power over another.


Well-Known Member
... Throughout the whole discussion I was wondering on how you actually plan to punish "normal" criminals. You said that murderers should be sentenced to death along with rapists and other rotten scum at the bottom of society. But what do you want to do with e.g. thieves or liars? In some way it sound like you want to reestablish the punishment system they used in the middle ages ... people who intentional lie get their tongue cut out? People who steal get their hands chopped off? Well in this case you don't need prisons anymore as those people cannot commit the same crime again. But despite all that, you must first of all define what IS a crime and what is not!
For example ... is a soldier a murderer as he intentionally shoots other people?
Or is a 12 year old boy who steals because he needs food really somebody who should be sentenced for that? In my opinion murder, rape, child molesting are crimes in any case and should be punished. But sentencing such people to death first of all is only a form of revenge for family members and/or other people. But isn't a person who sentences a murderer to death just a murderer aswell? Isn't somebody who orders people to kill a criminal just as bad as the criminal himself? I totally agree to you that those people must never be set free, but killing them is definetly not a good idea. But you could set up new punishments to prevent such crimes.E.g. you could castrate every rapist. Yes I know that this also sounds very harsh, but maybe afterwards you could even let those people go back to society, as they now cannot rape anymore. But concerning those "small" criminals like thieves, liars etc. I think probably the best idea would be just to punish them with fines.