I rmemeber when expansions actually "expanded" games...


Is it just me or has Blizzard basically just sacked off all the ideas that might attract people (Such as myself) back to the game with the implementation of Cataclysm? And brought in some altogether terrible ideas...

No Path of the Titans
No guild levelling/talents

Less raids (10/25 linked)
A maximum weekly income?!

At this rate, it looks like i'm never coming back... And i'm sure many people are in the same boat as me.



Is it just me or has Blizzard basically just sacked off all the ideas that might attract people (Such as myself) back to the game with the implementation of Cataclysm? And brought in some altogether terrible ideas...

No Path of the Titans
No guild levelling/talents

Less raids (10/25 linked)
A maximum weekly income?!

At this rate, it looks like i'm never coming back... And i'm sure many people are in the same boat as me.


Meh, They ruined the game in LK, IMO. They made it too Casual. Remember the days of TBC when doing a boss in 25 man accually ment somthing? Now It's all too easy tactics and classes are too easy to play.


In Cryo Sleep
erm ive played WoW since the begining and i really disagree with that, just because we dont do 40 man raids any more, 25's are still bloody hard and only because of more easily aquired gear has that changed, Ulduar, nax ,Toc all of them i can remember being in fail grps trying desperatly to master the tactics that would get them past another boss.
Just because where at the very end of this expansion which means hardly any new content before Cata hardy means Blizz isnt keeping up there end of the bargain, its obviously gonna get boring untill the new expansion arrives then it will be absolute crazyness with us oldies not saying things like "i remember 40 man MC raids and dkp" but coming out with " i remember when thousand needles wasnt underwater!" and impressing the N00bs.
All im saying is dont judge to quickly thr is always fuk ups along the way but Blizz generaly sorts them out and lets face it this isnt like thr changing 1 small part of the game....almost every facet of the way we play is gonna be altered so hold the judgment until uve played it for your self and not when someone else tells u there opinion.


Active Member
Oh yeah, looked it up, shouldn't have asked before looking. Well, this is...something new.


In Cryo Sleep
You seem to have been informed incorrectly.

Yes, path of the titans is gone. In its stead, we are getting a third type of glyph slot which will serve the same role without forcing new players to catch up.

Guild talents are gone, yes. But guild leveling is still there. Guilds will now simply get all rewards as soon as they are eligible. The guild master will no longer have to pick and choose. Players will get a reputation with their guild, which will increase as they add to the guild's level. Some rewards will be locked out for members until they reach a certain rep level with their guild.


Active Member
Well, the guild talents changes seem to be an improvement to me. The Path of the Titans don't, though, just one more glyph slot it way less cool and interesting than the whole pathy thing. Archaeology sounds much less interesting now as well. The weekly income cap, while I can understand why some people would complain about it, likely won't affect me much.


New Member
Meh, meh, meh *looks disappointed*

Path of the titans always sounded great, even though you needed to use it with a secondary proffesion.
Speccing your guild would be fun aswell. (raid guilds would pick different talents then a community guild)

A max income gets my approval tbh. I might finaly be able to raid with an alt for a change :P


Well-Known Member
Meh, They ruined the game in LK, IMO. They made it too Casual. Remember the days of TBC when doing a boss in 25 man accually ment somthing? Now It's all too easy tactics and classes are too easy to play.

Killed LK25hc yet? No? Then STFU.


Well-Known Member
Speccing your guild would be fun aswell. (raid guilds would pick different talents then a community guild)

That would be a big problem for us then, as we've got a mix of people who'd want PVE, PVP and levelling related talents.

The system as I understand it now is based on a reputation type thing to access the guild's talent resources, rather than having to spec down a talent tree.

This could end up making things a lot more flexible for us, whilst still stopping a complete newbie benefitting from all the guild shinies :)


In Cryo Sleep
Razz brought in my exact opinion regarding guild talents. We are quite a diverse community at THN, and we don't all focus on one activity alone. Having our guild talents acting as a potential limitation and knowing there was no way in hell James could find a magical talent build that could cover all aspects, we'd always be forced to make a ton of concessions (in all likeness, with a strong bias towards our own PVE progression).


New Member
easy tactics in ICC25? Against Putricide? Against Syndrigosa? I dont think so somehow

Bit peeved at the 'weekly income' cap, but the rest is just a sidelined 'meh' for me as its things that i had little interest in to begin with.


Ulduar, nax ,Toc all of them i can remember being in fail grps trying desperatly to master the tactics that would get them past another boss.

Ulduar was half a challage before the nerfs in there, now they are still Pie, unless you do Hard Modes.

Naxx? Lol. Easy. As. Hell. Especially if people had done naxx in pre-tbc, hell, i didn't and i had memorised every tactic within the first 2 days of getting into a Naxx guild. As long as your Raid Leader has half a brain, and your members have 1/4 of one, It's super easy.

As as for Toc. Not going to comment on the fact It's almost as easy as heroics if people listen.

ICC offered a challange..Till people learned the basic tactics, and didn't fail at hiding / avoiding goo / moving / whatever. Hell, my guild i was in before i quit, could do 10/12 in 1 night, after 1 kill each on 11 bosses.

Not to mention the ease of getting gear (every char I've gotten to 80 since the t9 for badges was out, was geared for ICC10 within 3 days of Heroic spamming.)

As I read it, the weekly income cap is about gear, not gold.

It is, and It isint. It's for the "Badges" you get in Cata.


New Member
Every boss is easy once you master the tactics ofc.
There were quite a few horrible bosses with difficult tactics.
The dance in Naxx
Keepers, iron council andYoggy in Ulduar
The first boss and the faction champs in ToC
Riding dragons in EoE
These are only examples. These tactics were quite hard to master and it took us a lot of time.
I don't think this was a really sucky expansion tbh. People tend to make the past look better. In TBH this, in Vanilla that blablabla etcetcetc.

And in Cata we will go like this: I remember in WotLK this was so much better blablabla etcetcetc....

I think we had a lot of fun in WotLK and will we also have fun in Cata even without guild speccing and path of the titans. Also dont forget Cata isn't out yet, so who knows what kind of new and exciting this will come out ;)

PS thanks for clearing the point of max income up, Gombol :)


Every boss is easy once you master the tactics ofc.
There were quite a few horrible bosses with difficult tactics.
The dance in Naxx
Keepers, iron council andYoggy in Ulduar
The first boss and the faction champs in ToC
Riding dragons in EoE

I'm not talking about "Master" I'm talking about "Watching the video then killing <Boss>" like most of Cata was.


New Member
I'm not talking about "Master" I'm talking about "Watching the video then killing <Boss>" like most of Cata was.

LOL, well then it is your own fault it is too easy, isn't it?
I never watched a video before trying a boss :) Then every boss is still quite hard :)