i37 Multiplay Gaming LAN


Junior Administrator
So myself, Traxata, Iron Fist and Xarlaxas all went to the i36 LAN...

Now signups are open for the next one, this being i37. Link: http://i37.multiplay.co.uk/.

This is the next major LAN event being held by Multiplay. This will be at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry, which is the new home of the i-Series LANs and will be held from the 7th-10th of August 2009.

Signups are open, the page for which can be found here.

The price is £63.90 if you book and pay for your ticket before May 11th, otherwise it's £90 if you book afterwards.

I would expect that this being the summer LAN, the tickets will sellout rather fast, (likely before the end of May) so if you are thinking of coming, book early to avoid disappointment!

If you do come to this event, make sure that you sign up with the clan tag "[THN]" - this will ensure that we will all be able to sit together much more easily using the seat picker application, becuase if we are not able to select seats next to each other we can request a clan consolidation, which means that people will be moved so we can sit together :)

To see what we have been up to, check out the site (linked above) for various links to pictures and videos, see the forums, also see the pictures that I put up on the gallery too.

If you have any questions about the event, like what goes on, etc. etc. please ask in here and those of us who have been to previous events will be only too happy to answer :D

EDIT: I have added a Calendar Event that isn't set up as madly as Nanor's here... Go and sign up!


Well-Known Member
As soon as my loan comes through and I can rally together the lads I came with last time I'll be signing up :D


Active Member
I'm hoping to come along again yeah! I had a great time. :)

Not sure if Iron_Fist is going though which makes my travelling/having a tent a little more tricky. I shall have to nag him until he relents and signs up!


Active Member
Vibs, there is an easy solution to this problem: have your Honeymoon at i37! The romantic glowing of 2000 PC screens, the hum of fans, the conga lines, nothing would be better!


Junior Administrator
Vibs, there is an easy solution to this problem: have your Honeymoon at i37! The romantic glowing of 2000 PC screens, the hum of fans, the conga lines, nothing would be better!

Trust me what he is doing is waaaay more awesome.

Also Fi would be very unimpressed by a LAN event.


Junior Administrator
No-one understands my wit. ;-;

Never fear, I got the joke. Just saying I consider the i-series events to be one of the high points of my year and I can comfortably say that what Vibs is doing for his honeymoon, although it is all hush-hush is fairly EPIC and makes a LAN look fairly meh in comparison.


Junior Administrator
Well apparently there was one girl after a "fivesome" on the Saturday night at i36.

And another story I heard at i36 was that one bloke was chucked out becuase he was caught jacking off at his desk.....

Ronin Storm

Staff member
And another story I heard at i36 was that one bloke was chucked out becuase he was caught jacking off at his desk.....

See, if you can't wait 'til the toilets or your tent then your just don't deserve to be out in public! :p

This might be considered to be wandering off topic, of course...


Active Member
Well apparently there was one girl after a "fivesome" on the Saturday night at i36.

And another story I heard at i36 was that one bloke was chucked out becuase he was caught jacking off at his desk.....

Then again using the seat-picker it was quite easy to find out that most of the "girls" on IRC were in fact men. Pointing this out seemed to annoy some of them. <.< >.>

Also, in my personal experiences sex isn't all it's cracked up to be: gaming forever!


Well-Known Member
Also, in my personal experiences sex isn't all it's cracked up to be: gaming forever!

"Wait a minute. I'm meant to be the one with that!"

I'd like to but things are still manic here so I need to wait a couple of weeks 'til they calm down then I'll see where I'm at.

Well the THNer crew would muchos love to see you in the flesh!


Well-Known Member
What sorta games do you play?
Do you have to play competetively if you sign up or is it just ad-hoc madness?
Also, where do you sleep?


Junior Administrator
Games - anything.

Main ones atm are CoD4, TF2, L4D and CSS, but there are enough people there that you will be able to arrange absolutely anything.

you dont have to play competitively, although there are tournaments on that we can enter teams into if we wish.

For sleep, we normally camp, but there is a hostel on-site or there are various travelodges and such like within 10 mins drive away if you would prefer to do that. (obviously that costs alot more)

There is also a separate campsite further away on the site that has electrical hookups, that you have to pay extra to use if you want to use it