[i37] The THN guide to the i-Series


Junior Administrator
As there are a number of first-timers coming to i37 this summer I wanted to create a wiki page that contains everything that a THNer needs to know about the i-Series.

What information would you like to see on that page?

What questions would you like answered?

My intention is to have it as a one-stop source for information with links to all of the relevant areas on the multiplay site that people need to know about, together with the basic info such as what to take, where the hell it is, how to get there, maps of the event, etc.

Let me know what you think should be in there :)


Maps, details about security, list of events (both gaming and non-gaming related), etc.?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Questions that strike me as important for pretty much any event where we need to turn up physically...

  • Where is the event? How do I get there by car/train/plane/bicycle/taxi?
  • How much does the event cost? What does that cover?
  • When does the event start? How early can I turn up? How late can I turn up?
  • What are the booking in arrangements when I turn up? Do I need a pass/stamp/bracelet? What happens if I lose my pass/stamp/bracelet? Where do I go to book in?
  • Where can I sleep? What will that cost me? Will I actually get sleep that way or will it be noisy/cold/uncomfortable?
  • What can I eat? For breakfast/lunch/dinner? How about snacks? Is the food any good? Is it expensive? Will there be long queues at meal times? Is there a microwave? A kettle? A fridge? A freezer? If I put stuff in the fridge/freezer will it still be there when I come back?
  • What can I drink? Is there clean/bottled water available? Is boiling hot water available on tap? Can I bring my own alcohol? Can I buy alcohol there? Where can I drink alcohol?
  • Where can I leave my stuff (e.g. clothes)? Will my stuff be secure if I just leave it there?
  • Is there plenty of car parking? If not, what do I have to do to ensure I get a parking space?
  • What activities will there be? Do they cost any more than the ticket price? If so, how much? Do I need to book them in advance? Do I need to bring any kit with me to take part in them (e.g. sports clothes, shoes, etc)?

That'll do for starters...


Well-Known Member
Can I park by my tent or by my friends tent if we're sharing (or is the car park seperate)?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
If people turn up Thursday and tent up, but I turn up Friday, how do i get my tent near yours :D.


Staff member
Camping details - how good are the showers, anywhere secure to store things, how likely is it that your tent will not get lifted.

When not playing on computers how is security maintained, do keyboards, mice or headsets go missing?

I'm hoping that its a relaxed affair and people don't feel chained to their systems or watching over their shoulders ...

As an aside I'd like to see who's camping and maybe sort out tent spaces for those flying or without tents to share accommodation where practical/acceptable.


Junior Administrator
Ok I've added a further update to the wiki page.

The main areas left to cover/add as far as I can tell are security, parking, local amenities, showers and maps.

It is turning into a rather long wall of text now so some areas could probably do with editing, if any i-Series veterans have suggestions/edits/additions that they feel should be made then either make them on that page or discuss them here...



Well-Known Member
If I wear low cut tops, am I more likely to get freebies from the exhibition hall?


Well-Known Member
Tbh, being female is going to get you free stuff at an i-series :p

You're outnumbered like 200:1

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Another question for the guide:

What do we need to take with us? Could do with a quick check list, that probably includes:

  • PC
  • Headphones + Mic
  • Game DVDs
  • Power cables for base unit and monitor and anything else
  • Monitor + Monitor cable
  • Mouse + keyboard + mouse mat

... and other stuff too, I imagine.