In Cryo Sleep
powered peripherals you may have
USB mini fridge?
powered peripherals you may have
we have plenty of time to sort things out
The fridge thing is to do with power - the only things you should be plugging into the power network provided is your PC, Monitor and any powered peripherals you may have
I think the problem they have is with it being there, not about where its powered from I'd guess. If we're buying the seat, then we're buying the available power allowance too. If even then were not allowed to use that power to run it, then the problem is with the fridge, and not where we power it from. Maybe some in-case can coolers?
My other experience is the use of the "you're not allowed that for insurance reasons" getout clause
Yeah, seen plenty of that too.
On the original topic:
Doesn't look like we're drumming up a 22nd person from within our ranks. Does the seat have to be filled or is subbing the seat from our collective pockets sufficient?
You don't know how fridges work, do you?