[i40] Games, the poll

Which games do you really want to play at i40?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The attached poll is to give an indication of games people are likely to be playing at i40. Games with plenty of votes are going to be safe bets. That said, some games more easily support smaller numbers of players.

Here's how the list above works:

  • Only vote if you are attending i40.
  • If you want a game added, suggest it as a reply to this post.
  • To be added to the poll, someone needs to second/support your suggestion. No second, no poll entry. This avoids a list of single vote items.
  • Vote for all games you'd be willing/happy to play at i40.
  • Only vote for a game that you can say, with a fair certainty, that you'd be happy to play for a few hours or more (assuming that's appropriate for the game).
  • If you're a bit ambivalent about a particular game, post in the thread about it, don't vote for it in the poll.
  • As new poll items are added, you may need to withdraw your vote and vote again. The withdraw button is below the poll.

The initial list is based off the games suggested in the [post=88253]original thread[/post].

Remember that this poll is indicative and isn't the only things that will be played. I imagine stuff will turn up during the event. But anything that gets a bunch of votes we'll try to get a major session of during i40 and work hard to make sure that everyone who voted for it gets a game (especially pertinent for 4 player coop games).

Questions to the thread below, please.

[strike](PS - the poll will be a minute or two... hang in there.)[/strike]

[edit]Poll up now.[/edit]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'd like to propose Blur [X360] for the list. I don't plan on bringing my X360 for all days, but I'd like to bring it for some of the time. Also, Red Dead Redemption [X360].



Staff member
I'd say drop OpenTTD on the list, as there was some talk of it in the shoutbox.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Note: the <withdrawn> line was previously an option to vote for Dawn of War 2 without its expansion but, as Trax rightly points out, you can do that anyway. I'll fill that option in with the next available suggestion, probably openTTD at this rate.


Junior Administrator
Voted, would also like to suggest blur, assuming i can fit it in Solemn's car I'll bring my 360 with blur too :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Added Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe [PC] in the middle (in place of the withdrawn entry) and Blur [X360] to the bottom.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thus far I count 8 voters of the 20 coming along. I imagine the WFB boys won't be coming on here to vote, so 16 votes anticipated overall.

Current voters:

  • Gombol
  • Huung
  • Iron_fist
  • Ronin Storm
  • thatbloke
  • Traxata
  • waterproofbob
  • Wol

Yet to vote:

  1. [strike]3dge (not a forum regular?)[/strike]
  2. [strike]Gribley[/strike]
  3. [strike]Silkth[/strike]
  4. Slidey (not a forum member?)
  5. Solemn
  6. [strike]SpicyPixel[/strike]
  7. [strike]Tetsuo_Shima[/strike]
  8. [strike]Velaphor[/strike]
  9. [strike]VibroAxe[/strike]


Done, I note CSS is missing,... good job :D
It's nice to see Borderlands and TF2 at the top, I don't really like Battlefield and CoD.

Only thing I would add is Day of Defeat Source, but idk if anyone else has it...


Well-Known Member

Starcraft 2 is missing, I'll be playing it some :)

I've voted Eve as I picked it up + expansion for like £5 in a steam sale and not yet activated my 30 free days. Figured I could do it at the lan and get some guidance on how to start up :)

I passed on Civ 4 - good game but I'd fall asleep waiting for people to take their turns.

Edit: Forgot to vote tf2, dunno how to amend it :p


Does anyone feel like a Playthrough 2 on Borderlands at i40? (Or a level 50 playthrough with a level 36 leeching XP..)


In Cryo Sleep
well i have no idea what borderlands actually is, but its on 2/3rds off at the moment, so shall buy it and see!



well i have no idea what borderlands actually is, but its on 2/3rds off at the moment, so shall buy it and see!


It's a good game, I prefer it playing with other people though. :) So I'll always be up for playing. <3

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Does anyone feel like a Playthrough 2 on Borderlands at i40?

Looks like people will be up for some Borderlands, given the votes. I'll try to catch up with TB over the weekend and talk through some plans. Nothing too ominous or prescriptive, but a bit more structure available (than i37) for those who want that sort of thing.