[i40] Games, the poll

Which games do you really want to play at i40?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Of the people I expected would vote, only Solemn hasn't voted. I believe she's away at the moment but I think we can start to draw some conclusions from the poll now.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Might be a little early to call it but I think it's safe enough to make some preliminary assessments now. Numbers in square brackets are approximate numbers the game will support.

The Big Three:

  1. Team Fortress [32]
  2. Borderlands [4]
  3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 [32]

Not surprised at 1 or 3, but 2 was a bit of an eye opener. TF2 and BC2 are both team games and can easily support the 12 or more of us who'd like to play. Borderlands is a bit more tricky in that it's 4-player coop, but with the numbers involved that should mean there's good scope for up to 3 parallel games.

Most of everyone voted for TF2; makes it a good game to have a big session on.

Other Serious Contenders:

  1. Rock Band 2 [4]
  2. EVE Online [all]
  3. Left 4 Dead 2 [4]
  4. Alien Swarm [4]
  5. Dawn of War 2 [3/6]

Discounting EVE Online for being not a LAN-oriented game, the rest in this list are the smaller coop or team games. These would seem to be ready fallbacks anytime someone is looking for a game and there's a lesser number of people around. Worth noting that at least 7 people expressed an interest in all the above.

Best of the Rest:

  1. Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword [18]
  2. Call of Duty 4 [16]
  3. Trackmania [all]
  4. Teeworlds [16]
  5. Battlefield 2142 [32?]
  6. Total Annihilation [8?]
  7. Guild Wars [4?]
  8. Blur [16]

Of the rest, Civ4 is the clear winner and with 6 interested parties there is scope for a good sized game. Out of the rest, there's enough for some pickup games (Trackmania, CoD4, BF2142) and even enough to make me think it's worth bringing my X360 along for a day or two for Blur. Again, Guild Wars doesn't strike me as LAN-oriented, though the smaller group sizes do seem to make it more appropriate (and, besides, someone might be able to show me why I should be interested).

Clearly, other games could be played from the rest; Halo 3, for example, is perfectly playable with 3, and AvP in 3 player survival works fine too. Don't doubt other stuff will turn up too.

Happy for other interpretations too... :)

[edit]Adjusted player numbers for a few games based on feedback.[/edit]


Junior Administrator
Trackmania can go up to a couple of hundred if needed :)

Civ4 can also support up to 18 players in a single game (I just checked)

In addition, might be worth getting the TF2 server(s) updated and running on prom for the LAN, in case they aren't running? Will give us a base to work from if there are no appropriate LAN servers around...


Staff member
Well, 24 is the "official" TF2 max, but plenty of maps are playable with 32.


In Cryo Sleep
For TF2, I usually sit on servers which have 30 people on with no problem at all on the normal maps I play so shouldnt be any problem. I'd agree that it's worth getting prom up and running for that though if we want it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
In addition, might be worth getting the TF2 server(s) updated and running on prom for the LAN, in case they aren't running? Will give us a base to work from if there are no appropriate LAN servers around...

If another server admin doesn't get there first, I can do an update on the Thursday of EAS.


Junior Administrator
For EVE, if people wanted to (obviously a few know how to play) We could possibly look into everyone wanting some spaceship combat to open up a trial account on the friday, and train some skills up or what have you, and do a mini tournament?


For EVE, if people wanted to (obviously a few know how to play) We could possibly look into everyone wanting some spaceship combat to open up a trial account on the friday, and train some skills up or what have you, and do a mini tournament?

Noob Ship battles. ^.^ Record it, add commentary and make it a youtube series! :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
if someone wants to fly a logistics and fancies some low-sec i'd be happy to get some lvl5s to have a play with :) (i have 4 or 5 agents i can use! )

otherwise i have a stack of frigs, dessies and cruisers all yearning to be TIIified or destroyed, whichever comes first! oh and that disco phoon!

also Guild Wars is 4-8 players, in most non prophecies it's 8 with a few high end factions areas being 12. prophecies gets up to 6 players fairly early on then up to 8 towards the end

as for other things. I have OS X\XP on my laptop and afaik we have a free seat. i'm thinking i'll get freelancer server set up on the windows partition. are there any other windows based servers that people fancy and i can take a look into it. linux ones should also be doable under OS X i think only limitation is that there is currently about 10GB free under windows
laptop is a dual 2.4GH core 2 with 2GB ram so shouldn't have too many issues running most servers


Well-Known Member
No starcraft 2?

Are you being serious - I can't decide :p

Guess I'll be playing vs randoms all weekend ;)

Oh and I had to take DOW2 off, as the one I've just bought is DOW1 + expansions. Sigh!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
No starcraft 2?!

I have the trial, courtesy of DocBot, but I've really only peeked at it so far. I think most of the rest of us don't actually have the game as yet. I think we're waiting for it to come down in price.