Might be a little early to call it but I think it's safe enough to make some preliminary assessments now. Numbers in square brackets are approximate numbers the game will support.
The Big Three:
- Team Fortress [32]
- Borderlands [4]
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 [32]
Not surprised at 1 or 3, but 2 was a bit of an eye opener. TF2 and BC2 are both team games and can easily support the 12 or more of us who'd like to play. Borderlands is a bit more tricky in that it's 4-player coop, but with the numbers involved that should mean there's good scope for up to 3 parallel games.
Most of everyone voted for TF2; makes it a good game to have a big session on.
Other Serious Contenders:
- Rock Band 2 [4]
- EVE Online [all]
- Left 4 Dead 2 [4]
- Alien Swarm [4]
- Dawn of War 2 [3/6]
Discounting EVE Online for being not a LAN-oriented game, the rest in this list are the smaller coop or team games. These would seem to be ready fallbacks anytime someone is looking for a game and there's a lesser number of people around. Worth noting that at least 7 people expressed an interest in all the above.
Best of the Rest:
- Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword [18]
- Call of Duty 4 [16]
- Trackmania [all]
- Teeworlds [16]
- Battlefield 2142 [32?]
- Total Annihilation [8?]
- Guild Wars [4?]
- Blur [16]
Of the rest, Civ4 is the clear winner and with 6 interested parties there is scope for a good sized game. Out of the rest, there's enough for some pickup games (Trackmania, CoD4, BF2142) and even enough to make me think it's worth bringing my X360 along for a day or two for Blur. Again, Guild Wars doesn't strike me as LAN-oriented, though the smaller group sizes do seem to make it more appropriate (and, besides, someone might be able to show me why I should be interested).
Clearly, other games could be played from the rest; Halo 3, for example, is perfectly playable with 3, and AvP in 3 player survival works fine too. Don't doubt other stuff will turn up too.
Happy for other interpretations too...
[edit]Adjusted player numbers for a few games based on feedback.[/edit]