[i40] Multiplay Insomnia40 Gaming LAN!!!!



@ replies: fair enough.

Should be ordering my ticket when I get home :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah 2nd floor is where we were at i33 was it not? if so, just so long as it isn't by that damn door :p also i remember hearing Dannie might make it to the summer one, anyone heard from him recently?
should be sorting my ticket at the beginning of next week :)


In Cryo Sleep
The booking refs are so that when we've got 22 people, blokey can go "We have 22 people and here are their booking refs. Can haz clanbox?"


The booking refs are so that when we've got 22 people, blokey can go "We have 22 people and here are their booking refs. Can haz clanbox?"

Ah fair enough, thanks. ^^


In Cryo Sleep
S'okay, he's not trying to steal your identity....

By the way, whats your mothers maiden name? :p


S'okay, he's not trying to steal your identity....

By the way, whats your mothers maiden name? :p

Didnt think that, i was just curious. :(

And HA! I didnt use my mothers maiden name.


In Cryo Sleep
My secret question was: 58hg57muw45x0y *
and my answer was: 35c0785hxq0475xtq *


* - CTTE


In Cryo Sleep
Booking re-ference is 94496.

I'm not even sure I can get these holidays yet, should not be a problem though. I will most likely be driving down, but my car is smaller so I will only be able to take one passenger. I think Ferrous Fist is interested in taking up the mantle as my co-driver once again, but I'm not sure if he will want to make some other kind of plan with Xarl.


In Cryo Sleep
"In order to ensure your clan are all seated together, everyone needs to select the same game area when they register for the event and amend their clan tags to be exactly the same."

If we've decided the clan tag is "[THN]", whats the game area we're meant to go for?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
In previous events, we've just used "THN", no brackets. That'll be what all previous i-series attendees will have so let's just use that.

I selected Squad FPS area as that seemed to make most sense, though CoD area might have been equally applicable.


Well-Known Member
In previous events, we've just used "THN", no brackets. That'll be what all previous i-series attendees will have so let's just use that.

I selected Squad FPS area as that seemed to make most sense, though CoD area might have been equally applicable.

I remember the whole THN vs [THN] thing last year, in the end it made no difference :p
Squad FPS might actually get some attention this year, with BFBC2 being so heavily played.

In other news, I'm booking my ticket as soon as I get the money to do so, and I believe Chrononaut has booked hers today!
I might also have a bunch of other uni mates interests piqued, so we could be joined by up to 5 more guys (obviously if it ends up being too high a number, I wouldn't expect them to sit in the clanbox with us) :)


Junior Administrator
At this point it is the more the merrier as we aren't near 22 yet. Getting a THN clanbox would be made of win.


Junior Administrator
Since the advent of the Seat Picker, where we can pick the seats ourselves, the game area you choose has much less relevance now.

The game area means pretty much nothing now - you can sit where you like. The seating areas are marked in terms of the expected game types that are played in that area, but they are merely a guide, not a restriction. (e.g. on Grandstand floor 2 the seats will have a dark blue outline, this means it is generally where the CSS players sit. You will find that *most* CSS players will sit there, but they dont have to and even if your own area is not set to CSS then you can still sit there regardless).

The clan tag is still important, however as it means that in the event of us not being able to get a box, we can instead request a clan consolidation, where seats will be moved around to accomodate us all, but we all must have the same tag for it to work properly and for there to be no case of mistaken identity.

Before the seat picker, Multiplay would allocate the seats themselves and they would do it based on the clan tag and the gaming area you chose.


Active Member
Starting to think that I might have to give this one a miss too and save up my monies so that I won't be living off my overdraft anymore, heh.

We shall see though!


Junior Administrator
Yeah, I don't know if i can make this one yet. With skiing and everything else it looks like the money is going to be somewhat short this year!


Active Member
Hehe, well it makes transport for you and the Iro' much easier too if you're using a small car this time!

If I can find out if I'm getting a student loan payment in May that will also affect whether I'll come or not, I have a friend who's interested in joining THN and might want to come for i40 should he do so, but yeah, I will ponder my options, any idea how long I have until the early-bird discount goes?