[i40] Venue Layout, Sign-in Changes and Tournament Matrix


Junior Administrator
You should be able to get close enough that you're at the entrance to the gate (or near abouts) and then usually we do a team effort and everyone hauls shit in from the cars :)

We've got a Mac Pro and a CMStacker 830 from myself and Vibs :p Those are probably the two heaviest cases we've got :p


Junior Administrator
We've got a Mac Pro and a CMStacker 830 from myself and Vibs :p Those are probably the two heaviest cases we've got :p


You haven't seen Solemn/Silk's cases recently have you...

Dunno if they are trying to make up for the fact that they are short or something but silk's case is so huge that Solemn could fit her whole self inside the box for it...........

Not to Mention Solemn has watercooling...


Junior Administrator
Yeah the mac pro and the stacker are no longer our heaviest cases. Never fear Trax your case is still the ugliest but it is not that heavy anymore.

It'll be the watercooled rig that'll take that honour at i40 I reckon.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Must admit my computer did feel puny compared to alot at i37 (or was it i36??) but at least it kept going :D :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah i'm going to have to re-TIM mine i think... it's started getting rather warm which is never good just before summer lan :(


In Cryo Sleep
I'm still stuck on a display solution. I could bring my 32" telly for the xbox and use it to display from the laptop, but then it'd semi-defeat the purpose of bringing a laptop in the first place (it's big). I could steal my bro's widescreen PC monitor, but then I'd need to figure out how to get sound coming out the xbox using a VGA cable.

Gee, having a 32" telly sitting on my desk is going to look fucking silly.


Junior Administrator
Gee, having a 32" telly sitting on my desk is going to look fucking silly.

not at all :)

Does your PC monitor have HDMI input? If so you could look at getting the Mickeysoft HDMI cable, this has a splitter for the audio which you can then plug a headset into


In Cryo Sleep
No HDMI input, unfortunately. Looks like Mr. Telly will be coming down after all, although I'll have to play around with the box to see how I can fit it in my car without having to mess around with folding seats.


Junior Administrator
Does the widescreen monitor have an HDMI port and an audio out.

That is how my xbox is all set up. HDMI from xbox and sound comes from audio out on zee monitor to a headset


In Cryo Sleep
I don't think it does, and there's the additional problem of my heatbox being one of the old ones without an HDMI out. I'm actually just waiting for it to give me ring sting and then I'll replace it with the sleek black model.

I don't even have a VGA cable for the noisebox, I'd have to buy one of those separately.

What this all adds up to is a LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE


In Cryo Sleep
It transpires that I can fit my telly in rather snugly if I sit it flat across the backseats, provided I use the box from my brother's telly :rolleyes:. It's actually not a bad set-up, because it gives the boot over entirely to Fist's stuff and general bumf (like clothes and tent) and it means we have a sort of flat 'table' like thing to put munch and/or laptops on across the backseat. There's also the added advantage of me having a huge display to play things on, and the versatility that comes with it.