[i42] Clanbox/seating


Junior Administrator
Technically, you can do that's what she said to this one too. :P

:S i don't even want to know how!

Ok, so we're waiting on a few DRUK people and then we are good.

I assume everyone above it happy with the seating plan still?

Is it really still 60 days?!


Junior Administrator
Haven't got control of Jamie's seat yet but I've moved the seats around to match the last plan. Some of you may have received an email regarding a seating request - if so, please disregard it, as I've already dealt with it :)

One change required, which is for Jamie to switch with speedy. Incidentally, Jamie may not be coming anymore, but we'll deal with that if it happens.


Junior Administrator

Window	[Door]	Window	Window	Window	Window	[Door]	Window

Wol		Bacon			Kalleth		Jimmy
Pingue		Vibs			bloke		Hypnotoad
Edge		Bob			Trax		slidey
Velocity	Alex			Carps		silk
Speedy		Notfred			MK1		solemn
		Lycastus		Gribley	

	[Entrance]				[Entrance]

So i've removed Jamie from the plan and moved a few people about. If you were sitting on the right hand side, you've not moved.

Changes on the left:
Edge moved back a row to sit next to pingu and wol.
Lycastus moves to fred's seat
Notfred and alex swap
Vibs and bob swap


In Cryo Sleep
Well I heartily disapprove of the above seating plan, but I'm guessing I'm a bit late now :p


And Pingue *still* *and always has* had an e at the end!


Junior Administrator

Window	[Door]	Window	Window	Window	Window	[Door]	Window

Wol		Bacon			Kalleth		Jimmy
Pingu		Vibs			bloke		Hypnotoad
Edge		Bob			Trax		slidey
Jamie		Alex			Carps		silk
Speedy		Notfred			MK1		solemn
		Lycastus		Gribley	

	[Entrance]				[Entrance]

So i've removed Jamie from the plan and moved a few people about. If you were sitting on the right hand side, you've not moved.

Changes on the left:
Edge moved back a row to sit next to pingu and wol.
Lycastus moves to fred's seat
Notfred and alex swap
Vibs and bob swap
Vibs ....

Why do I still see Jamie? :p

Where'd Velocity go?!


Junior Administrator
So Dentist (Multiplay guy) finally got his act together and removed Jamie from the box, allowing me to shuffle things around according to Vibs' last plan.

The box is now arranged according to that plan.



Junior Administrator
So we've just been royally fucked over by dr-ukr Velocity, who has decided, without even telling me, that he's now going to sit in another box.

Long story short: we're a man down in the box and if we don't have a replacement sorted by COB (close of business) Monday we'll need to buy the 22nd seat between us, at a cost of £90.

There are no areas left to sit in for 21 people, so if I/we don't find a replacement (be that someone who is already attending or someone else who we get to buy a ticket) we're going to have to buy this ticket between us.

In the event that that happens, I can pick up the initial cost for that, but would like to ask all people in the box for a donation (which will be in the region of £4.50 per person) to cover that cost.

So first question: anyone got any friends that aren't already coming, that would like to take up the last spot?


In Cryo Sleep
For future lans, can we buy the tickets for the box, and then assign them to people? Is that how group bookings work?

e.g. if someone wants to move out of the box, we end up with one ticket at the original price that we'd have to cover, and then the person whos letting us down has to pay the full late tard price for being a tard?

I feel it's a bit unfair that we're having to pay the £90 price, rather than the £63 price.


Junior Administrator
yes we can do that (and I can probably afford to do that) - however that means EVERYONE giving money to one person and that one person holding all of the bookings and allocating those bookings to the relevant people.

Also it won't work for season ticket holders.

Still doesn't solve the problem if we don't fill all the seats up though.


In Cryo Sleep
Still doesn't solve the problem if we don't fill all the seats up though.

But does at least save us about £30 per seat for those who faff around at this late stage after early bird ends.

Season ticket holders are awesome though. Aren't we :p
