[i44] Whos going?


Well-Known Member
I'm debating it, but I'm likely going to do i45 instead (time allowing). Camping at i44 in Telford would be ridiculously cold, and there's no way I can save up for a hotel in time :(


Well-Known Member
Camping at i44 in Telford would be ridiculously cold, and there's no way I can save up for a hotel in time :(

We were chatting with Wizzo while he was clearing up yesterday and he said there were plans to possibly have some inside camping space at i44 as they won't need all of both halls for desks.

Interestingly he also said it's likely that they won't use the bowl for camping again as it's too small/expensive to be worth it. The camping will probably all be at the rugby club next time but we'll have to wait until it's announced to know for sure.


Junior Administrator
you need to sort yourself out with transportation in future mk1, if carps goes its highly likely that Tempscire would be going and thus filled up carp's car.


Active Member
you need to sort yourself out with transportation in future mk1, if carps goes its highly likely that Hampshire would be going and thus filled up carp's car.

Yeah, i dont know what you mean by Hampshire, you mean Tempscire? I am aware that i was rather lucky getting to go with carps a 2nd time tbh.

Atm, if i can get a 1 hand case, i could just train over.


Junior Administrator
Tee heee

Also i'm in, as are a good proportion of the extended clan. Will confirm nearer the time!

Now i just need a plan for THN.MC 3.0


Well-Known Member
Any way I can get onto the minecraft squad? I don't want to take a portion of the prize you'll undoubtedly win, I just think it'd be fun. :)

Also how do I fix the issue with blocks not being drawn :(

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
The county of Hampshire would undoubtedly fill carps' tiny car, but in regards to Tempscire, are you sure? I mean, we can barely get his fat ass to come to the pub on the odd occassion I get down to see them both in Lamedon, let alone take a long trip well outside his comfort zone!


Ha! I'm not doing more music than I have to - a single theme was enough!
Also, w00t, golden ticket!!! :D