[i44] Whos going?


Well-Known Member
Tee heee

Also i'm in, as are a good proportion of the extended clan. Will confirm nearer the time!

Now i just need a plan for THN.MC 3.0

How about journey through the human body? Could be done in a themepark/lollercoaster style maybe.


Well-Known Member
How about journey through the human body? Could be done in a themepark/lollercoaster style maybe.

That's not a half-bad idea but it needs some form of interaction element as we think that's what's won us the last two.


Junior Administrator
in other words, like the thing they had in the millennium dome before it was turned into the O2 :p


Active Member
The county of Hampshire would undoubtedly fill carps' tiny car, but in regards to Tempscire, are you sure? I mean, we can barely get his fat ass to come to the pub on the odd occassion I get down to see them both in Lamedon, let alone take a long trip well outside his comfort zone!

I hate you. So much. :p

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
The part where you have trouble convincing me to come to the pub! You have no trouble convincing me IF I'M ABOUT! :p

Your excuses are double mild weak sauce though, like 'I'm at my parents house'

My excuses are normally that I'm on another continent, when I can't do stuff in soton.


Active Member
The one 'excuse' I've had was that I was at an engagement party for my cousin IIRC. Which I'd said yes to going to months before you'd decided to haul your skinny ginger arse away from hating everything in the known universe :p