Icecrown Citadel this Friday.


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, that just happened.

I want all the best people I can to be there so get signing up people. At the time of writing there are four people who have signed up. Come on...

-- Bone


I will be doing my very fucking best to be back in time for this. May just get some american football pads and literally charge through the Underground/Waterloo to get back in time... Also, anyone who comes, do better... this is all


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Count me out, this Friday, alas. Boring, yet mandatory, Christmas function... :/



I won't be able to go this Friday. I am reliving my teenage years and going to a Prodigy concert!

I am actually sorry I wont be there after yesterdays raid. So far, love the place.



New Member
Just a tip for your raid..

Neutral to friendly with the Ashen verdict takes 3000 rep. At friendly you get a choice of 4 rings that are all superior to any ToC rings.

Therefore clear the trash upto Marrogar, run out, reset, rinse, repeat. That 3k rep should take you about 1 hour of farming. Grab shiney new loot.

And good luck with the raid.


Active Member
Sound plan, although I dont think it will sit well with the officers - Friday is progress night, rather than grinding night. Still, were I involved I´d go for it, shinies in one hour r teh kewl :)

All the 3.3 and IC talk is getting me all excited - stop it, folks, or I will have no choice but to return too! You don´t want that, do you!


Well-Known Member
It's an exploit... everyone does this, and watch how quick Blizz award rep for boss kills only.

How about we spend every night for the first month farming Marrowgar trash, and all get exalted?

Ridiculous suggestion - how about you just log in to the game and have Blizz send all your Tier 10 epics to your mailbox, avoids spending all that time and effort learning the bosses and progressing.

Honestly, I'd expect better from the pair of you.


Active Member
It's an exploit... everyone does this, and watch how quick Blizz award rep for boss kills only.

How about we spend every night for the first month farming Marrowgar trash, and all get exalted?

Ridiculous suggestion - how about you just log in to the game and have Blizz send all your Tier 10 epics to your mailbox, avoids spending all that time and effort learning the bosses and progressing.

Honestly, I'd expect better from the pair of you.
Drop the hate, bro o_O It's just an effective use of game mechanic that has been around since forever, is it not? If not, correct me please, but it seems that way to the uninformed me.


Yeah, wouldnt call it an exploit... It's been done for many years in different instances with rep-related trash. Plus i'm thirsty for gear regardless of where it comes from.


Well-Known Member
I'd be more than up for farming it to ring stage, the more loot we have the better the progression attempts will be, thus the more content we'll be able to work our way through. I want to see all the content, so from my point of view, it's a good idea.

I know The Haven has always had the principle of "doing things properly"; but when it just leads to pointless wiping when a bit of grinding could be more beneficial, I don't see the point in "doing it properly". Yes I'm a gear hungry whore, but it is a game, and I play any game to win it, because that's how I get my fun. All games are based around competition, and improvement to better oneself in future competitions - all I'm doing is following that core principle to the letter.

P.S. If you can arrange to have T10 epics sent to my mailbox, I'd gladly accept ;)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

clear the trash upto Marrogar, run out, reset, rinse, repeat. That 3k rep should take you about 1 hour of farming

This... on some inner, primal level, this disgusts me. :D

While rationally, I understand the motivation behind it, it comes oddly close to my definition of cheating, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on... :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
There are only four bosses available at the moment, and no more due to be added for quite a while. It's fair to say that we'll be able to get far beyond friendly rep by doing the place properly, and getting the boss drops in addition to the rep rewards.

It's the concept of reward without effort that troubles me.