Icecrown Citadel this Friday.


Well-Known Member
Farming is effort, but the effort comes not in learning encounters and wiping, but in having the willpower and determination to carry on doing something monotonous knowing you'll see a great end result as a reward. For those who want insta-gratification from everything, farming is horrid, but those of us with inhuman patience (Tradeskill Phil for a reason ;)) can actually quite enjoy the grind.


Well-Known Member
Considering that we can now faceroll our way to full Tier 9 and better in no time at all via plain Heroic'ing, and also considering how farming trash requires time and some small degree of effort (ie you're not just being handed the results), I see nothing particularly objectionable to minor rep-farming. By minor, I mean to, say Friendly, maybe Honoured at a push.

I do find the concept of trash-grinding all the way to Exalted to be mindless and incredibly boring at best, and wouldn't ever condone it for us, but to maybe sneak ten people in to murderise some extra trash on occaison? Got no problem with it.

...and that's not just because I need to get to Friendly to start on Shadowmourne, before anyone says.

Although I do wants it.

Will be mine.

My only.



Well-Known Member
Got friendly and my ilvl 251 ring last night, no trash farming... got the ring just before the 2nd boss in the 2nd run we've done there. Now, just need 25 primordial saronite and drops from Festergut and Rotface (25 man only) to proceed. Damn...


Well-Known Member
Got friendly and my ilvl 251 ring last night, no trash farming... got the ring just before the 2nd boss in the 2nd run we've done there. Now, just need 25 primordial saronite and drops from Festergut and Rotface (25 man only) to proceed. Damn...

Was that on SSL or... bugger, what's your other realm called? Total brain fail...