Is the gameplay on BF2 balanced?

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In Cryo Sleep
Also how many times have you been in a jeep gunning at a target, when some idiot jumps in and drives off.

thats why fighting with you guys is such a pleasure, as we can communicate properly and effectivly with each other to get the most out of the game, fighting as part of an orginised team is much better than playing on your own, you get more out of it


New Member
I know how we level it out...

We pen all the noobs in one server until they get good, then allow them to play on normal servers. Anyone who abuses the system gets...ahem...'punished'


New Member
Pubic_Warior said:
thats why fighting with you guys is such a pleasure, as we can communicate properly and effectivly with each other to get the most out of the game, fighting as part of an orginised team is much better than playing on your own, you get more out of it

;) Nice bit of sucking up there lol


In Cryo Sleep
I have a couple of issues with BF2:

1. Helicopters/jets - damage profile is wrong - they don't suffer enough damage when hit by AA missiles and carry too much weaponry (that's being addressed in the upcoming patch). A man-portable Stinger would make life more difficult for pilots.

2. The Blackhawk - see (1), but also the pair of miniguns is way more powerful than the two pea-shooters in the Mil. You can take out the Blackhawk but you need two Vodniks/Hummers to do it otherwise you just get hosed.

3. C4 - should be the same as AT mines - set off by gunfire

4. Bunnyhopping/dolphin diving - you can't do this in real life so you shouldn't be able to do it in BF2

I know there it's a fine balance between making it realistic and maintaining gameplay, but in some cases this hasn't been done properly.


In Cryo Sleep
Buffalo the Bunny hopping/dolphin diving is being fixed in the new patch too :)

I like the idea of being able to shoot C4, can you imagine the poor SF's face when it blows at his feet :D.


Well-Known Member
Piacular said:
Buffalo the Bunny hopping/dolphin diving is being fixed in the new patch too :)

I like the idea of being able to shoot C4, can you imagine the poor SF's face when it blows at his feet :D.

Yeah, while he's making his suicide buggy, shoot the C4 and grin with glee..


In Cryo Sleep
the idea of landing to repair and refuel is definately a commendable one, i can remember when i first picked up the demo being a little disapointed that you didnt have to, with the current system a plane is so higly mobile that you can normally tell that it will be back to get you in the next 30 seconds or less, this will make them 1) a sitting target for 10 or so seconds, 2) slow them down, so they cant defend as easily.

Bunny hopping cannot be removed as it is to effective for running away from tanks, if bunny hopping were nerfed i would suggest either making tanks one rocket damage, or increasing the sprint bar but only allowing one jump per 5 secs, thus allowing you to sprint out of sight instead

C4 should have a reload time, ive recently picked up the specopps kit and have found that its ability to slap 5 c4s (300 dmg splash) in under 2 seconds is just silly, they should have to reload it, like put a detonater in like the AT mines or something, giving the tankers more of a chance.

thats it for now, but ill be back!


Junior Administrator
I think its more the dolphin diving than the bunny hopping that can easily be stopped... perhaps they could make it so that jumping takes away some of your stamina???


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, but the point I was making is that the Assault class in now pointless. The fire rate, beautiful accuracy, infinite ammo and grenades of the Support class more than make up for the lack of nooby-tubey.


In Cryo Sleep
god all you guys do is complain and when it gets fixed you still complain, if they changed it again you would complain so play the GAME, if it was being realistic then all guns would be like 2 hit kills and the choppers would kill men and tanks from 5.5 miles away so stop complaining and play what you have


In Cryo Sleep
Haha, Pubic don't be an idiot :p.

It wasn't complaining, we're discussing a few things. If people never discussed issues all games would be shite :).


In Cryo Sleep
Well Im glad that they have put the accuracy of the support weapons up as before they were stupidly, unrealisticly unaccurate.
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