Israel and Lebanon


In Cryo Sleep
Pubic_Warrior said:
to be honest i dont mind what Israel and the other country do about this aslong as the Brits are evacuated

I'm sorry but this sort of thing really gets to me. So you're saying only the lives of your fellow countrymen matter? So the 400 or so Lebanese and 40 odd Israelis (probably a lot more in reality in both cases) killed and injured just don't matter? Not considering the hundreds, maybe thousands of people left homeless, without a family, career, and hope.
This is exactly the sort of attitude that we don't need in this already messed up world we live in.


In Cryo Sleep
MoTo^ said:
I'm sorry but this sort of thing really gets to me. So you're saying only the lives of your fellow countrymen matter? So the 400 or so Lebanese and 40 odd Israelis (probably a lot more in reality in both cases) killed and injured just don't matter? Not considering the hundreds, maybe thousands of people left homeless, without a family, career, and hope.
This is exactly the sort of attitude that we don't need in this already messed up world we live in.

Thats a very valid, point, but this thread was not meant to be an argument, just a place to share your views in harmony, but I do agree with you MoTo^ as it is true but i think Pubic was not saying that he did not care just stating that the British citizens in hose countries are evacuated.


In Cryo Sleep
I didn't really want to start an arguement, but lots of people have that view about this situation and I just wanted to voice my opinion.


In Cryo Sleep
MoTo^ said:
I'm sorry but this sort of thing really gets to me. So you're saying only the lives of your fellow countrymen matter? So the 400 or so Lebanese and 40 odd Israelis (probably a lot more in reality in both cases) killed and injured just don't matter? Not considering the hundreds, maybe thousands of people left homeless, without a family, career, and hope.
This is exactly the sort of attitude that we don't need in this already messed up world we live in.

its like charity, you need to look after yourself before you start looking after others, and to put it harshly no i dont care about 400 or so lebansese and 40 odd israelis, call me a bad guy, say my attitude fucks up the world we live in, but at the end of the day if i cared about death id be one worried person, it happens everyday, everybodys day will come, some sooner than others. so say its my attitude that messed up the world, but why should i care it has nothing to do with me, i if i started worring about this like you do id probably be crying when the news comes on, im more worried about MYSELF when I go to afghanistan, when MY arse is on the line, i hate reading about British people being killed, especialy in the place where i have to go, what happens between Israel and lebanon, is up to them, i can t do anything and neither can you, no thats not a shit attitude, its the truth, maybe Lebanon should rat out those terrorists and Israel can have their 2 soldiers back, and the bombing will stop, its like monginisu in 1993 when the US pilot got captured, we all know the film blackhawk down, well the US said that they would blow monginisu of the face of the earth if they didnt get him back, and they did get him back, but if the militia didnt hand him over im sure they would have done just

one more point, this is my view, the rest of you have posted yours, if you dont like what you read, no point giving neg rep just because you dont like it, im entitled to my say.


In Cryo Sleep
I don't quite understand, you first make a point that you don't care about death and you're not worried because it'll come to everyone, but straight after you say you keep watching the news about how soldiers are dying in Afghanistan and now you're worried about your own arse?
Also saying that 'dead will come to everyone' in an attempt to say that the death of all those Lebanese and Israelis isn't really a big deal is very very weak, did they live their life like you would have or was it literally blown away from them? And death is probably a good thing for some at the moment if you see the state of Beirut.

And I'm not giving you negative rep, and yes you are entitled to what you say, but I'm just giving my opinion here, what's the point of a discussion if you have to agree with everyone all the time?


In Cryo Sleep
i id rather die of cancer or something natural than some taliban dude beheading me with a piece of wire im scared of capture, and i would shoot myself before it happened. i should realy make myself clear when i post
Also saying that 'dead will come to everyone' in an attempt to say that the death of all those Lebanese and Israelis isn't really a big deal is very very weak,
and does that mean you will live forever?
and yes Beirut is pretty messed up to say the least, but i can not do anything to stop it, if the world leaders cant, then we have no hope, who will listen to a few people argueing on the internet.
what's the point of a discussion if you have to agree with everyone all the time?
that is the best thing anybody has ever posted up on these forums, very well said, and i agree with that totaly :) shame we dont agree on anything else :p


In Cryo Sleep
lol true :)

Also I know you can do nothing to stop it, but at least you can care.
For me the life of one person ruined is one too many, let alone a whole nation.


In Cryo Sleep
The worst thing is that when we see it on the news were not shocked anymore. I hate to say it but Israel is one of the main causes of all these wars, if they werent there then it would nopt be this bad, the jews have blown it, they had their promised land and then they left it to the arab nations, and now they want it back, well i think that isnt right.


In Cryo Sleep
So what would you suggest Gopha? Genocide? Was the "final solution" a good idea?

The Israelies have as much right to live there as the Palestinians in a similar way that Protestants have as much right to live in Northern Ireland as Catholics.

The removal of Israels occupation of the Gaza strip marked a new advance towards peace in Israel. Unfortunately with the death of Yassar Arafat and the succesion of Ariel Sharon other countries in the middle east (Iran & Syria) who have political gains from conflict have decided to cause this current disruption.

You must remember Hamas kidnapped a soldier in Gaza and Hezbolla kidnapped two soldiers whilst simultaneously attacking Israeli cities.

Hezzbolla is an offshoot of Iran and has ties with Hamas. Iran is pulling the strings in the background in order to direct attention away from its attempts to develop nuclear "energy" and avoid UN sanctions.

I think I'm going to stop here as I'm at work and this could take a long time to explain fully as I understand it but there's a lot of good information on the Times website which is much less biased then the BBC (why do I pay for my TV license again?).

Will put some more musing later.



Well-Known Member
pHatBambi said:
The Israelies have as much right to live there as the Palestinians in a similar way that Protestants have as much right to live in Northern Ireland as Catholics.

Erm.. Ofcourse they do.. Why wouldn´t they?


In Cryo Sleep
Northern Ireland is predominantly Protestant, Im come fro ma southern line of catholics from county sligo, but they care not of the protestants in the area. All im saying is its like us all moving to tennerife and saying we have a right to live their


And we don't have a right to live in Tenerife because?

Or are the locals likely to discriminate by religion :p

Couldn't resist a bit of a flame

Back on topic though, Ireland goes to show how much strife and disagreement can be caused by the words of one little book. As for Isreal, for a magic prize anyone want to tell me what the two blue lines on the flag mean, and why the solution is impossible without uprouting the whole middle east (or the old Testament - Equally difficult to shift :p )


New Member
That was a shock.. I actually remember something from school.:eek:

The two blue lines represent rivers: the Nile and the Euphrates


In Cryo Sleep
Protestant -catholic arguments are not over the bible. The only reason israel is there is so the west can have a foothold in the middle east


Gopha said:
Protestant -catholic arguments are not over the bible. The only reason israel is there is so the west can have a foothold in the middle east

Or that Jews can return to the holy land given to them by God, via Moses and the other prophets?

The actual expanse of the holy land = nile to the Euphrates


All of this land is supposedly promised and given as a gift by God to the jesuit people in the OT. Wanna guess why the rest of the middle east might not be so happy?


Well-Known Member
Fi$hy said:
Back on topic though, Ireland goes to show how much strife and disagreement can be caused by the words of one little book.

It isn´t really over one little book, it´s about which "Side of the fence" you are on. There are two types:
Nationalist, those who are working for a united Ireland
and Unionist, those who believe that "Northern Ireland" should remain part of the British Empire.

It just so happens to be that Nationalists are Catholics and Unionists are Protestants.

Ofcourse, in Israel-lebanon crisis, it does happen to be over religion, as I´m sure you have seen, anti-semitic attacks have increases in Britian as a result of the war.


In Cryo Sleep
The Palistinian militants will never miss an oppurtunity to do themselves down.

Taking Ireland as an example, did we shell the roads and bridges? Did we bomb large areas of Dublin? no, we kept to our borders, and when things got messy we used finesse such as the royal marines or special forces to resolve conflict. Israel wants an excuse to kill enemies of their jewish state, just as has been happening to them for the last 2000 years, They are bigger and should know better.

What will now happen (using ireland again) is a Bloody Sunday effect, The israelies create more support for the militants that caused the problem, but the thing is the israelies see that as a means to an end, more militants means more legitimate targets means they get "their" land back.


In Cryo Sleep
I think that Israel are turning into their 1940's tormentors, Neo-Nazis, There was no need to start a war with HIzbollah, and our government is doing nothing about it using the phrase " Give war a chance" war should be a last minute thing and we all know that, but we just follow President Bush, and its hurting our rep!


Staff member
Twisto said:
That was a shock.. I actually remember something from school.:eek:

The two blue lines represent rivers: the Nile and the Euphrates

I thought it was tigris?