MoTo^ said:
I'm sorry but this sort of thing really gets to me. So you're saying only the lives of your fellow countrymen matter? So the 400 or so Lebanese and 40 odd Israelis (probably a lot more in reality in both cases) killed and injured just don't matter? Not considering the hundreds, maybe thousands of people left homeless, without a family, career, and hope.
This is exactly the sort of attitude that we don't need in this already messed up world we live in.
its like charity, you need to look after yourself before you start looking after others, and to put it harshly no i dont care about 400 or so lebansese and 40 odd israelis, call me a bad guy, say my attitude fucks up the world we live in, but at the end of the day if i cared about death id be one worried person, it happens everyday, everybodys day will come, some sooner than others. so say its my attitude that messed up the world, but why should i care it has nothing to do with me, i if i started worring about this like you do id probably be crying when the news comes on, im more worried about MYSELF when I go to afghanistan, when MY arse is on the line, i hate reading about British people being killed, especialy in the place where i have to go, what happens between Israel and lebanon, is up to them, i can t do anything and neither can you, no thats not a shit attitude, its the truth, maybe Lebanon should rat out those terrorists and Israel can have their 2 soldiers back, and the bombing will stop, its like monginisu in 1993 when the US pilot got captured, we all know the film blackhawk down, well the US said that they would blow monginisu of the face of the earth if they didnt get him back, and they did get him back, but if the militia didnt hand him over im sure they would have done just
one more point, this is my view, the rest of you have posted yours, if you dont like what you read, no point giving neg rep just because you dont like it, im entitled to my say.