I've cancelled my WoW subscription for the moment!

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In Cryo Sleep
But anyway...

Yes its sad that we are all moving on (well most of us) but I think thats just the way things go. There will be a game sooner all later that we have a big thing over. Just the way of the world.

But you never know, next expansion pack might "relight my fire" as they say!!


Hmm, as a WoW player I feel SOOOOOO welcome in the HavenNet community right now... NOT.

If you don't like WoW, what are you doing posting in this forum?! Could it just be that you're lurking around waiting for posts like this so you can have a damn good gloat?

It's bad enough losing good players like T-bone from the game (thus making the in-game community less and less appealing all the time) without having our misfortune rammed down our throats on here too.

Rant over.

but i love you :(

/lick all over (tis a special lick)


In Cryo Sleep
aww! cant u just like the attention? or are there other people you would rather be licked by?
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