Jaffa Cake - Cake or Biscuit?


In Cryo Sleep
SgtSafety said:
nah any superstores like that cant do it. its the wee cookie place in town i cant remeber its name though :P if u live in glasgow its in bucanhan gallerys there fantastic :D just beside the escalators goign down to the bottom floor

I know the one ya mean :D


In Cryo Sleep
shite, baskin robbins is the ice cream parlour beside the cookies. And it aint 45 either, its 31. Upon further investigation, I do believe you are referring to Millies Cookies.

Jaffa Cake is a biscuit. You only dip biscuits in tea, I dip jaffas in tea :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Tetsuo_Shima said:
You only dip biscuits in tea, I dip jaffas in tea

Just because you engage in the freakish activity of dipping cakes in your tea doesn't mean that they must therefore be biscuits. Form is not defined by function nor use, thank goodness! :)


In Cryo Sleep
Ronin Storm said:
Form is not defined by function nor use, thank goodness!

Wha? Yes it is! I can think of millions of objects whose form is defined by their function! Screws and aircraft, to name but a few of the random examples that popped into my head :p.

A biscuit is crumbly, Jaffas are not crumbly and are therefore not biscuits :). If you can name me a non-crumbly biscuit that isn't a Jaffa Cake or a biscuit that has been made soggy by dippings in Twisto's tea, I may rescind the point...


New Member

Well, I don't care what it is, the point is that they are scrumpsi-licious!!!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Piacular said:
Wha? Yes it is! ... Screws and aircraft, to name but a few

Perhaps what I should have said is "function may lead to form, but function is not a prequisite of form". One cannot say "I need this to fly, so it must have wings" (e.g. rockets, helicopters, parachutes, Super Man). One can merely say "A flying thing often has wings, and some things with wings can fly". :)


In Cryo Sleep
Piacular said:
A biscuit is crumbly, Jaffas are not crumbly and are therefore not biscuits :). If you can name me a non-crumbly biscuit that isn't a Jaffa Cake or a biscuit that has been made soggy by dippings in Twisto's tea, I may rescind the point...

It wasnt twistos tea, it was my tea. As for a non-crumbly biscuit, a fig roll :p especially not if you leave them out the packet for a few days. Fantastic.


In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo_Shima said:
It wasn’t twistos tea, it was my tea. As for a non-crumbly biscuit, a fig roll :p especially not if you leave them out the packet for a few days. Fantastic.

Eep, oh my. That's a little embarrassing. 1000 apologies Testuo, how can I make it up to you? Turn turncoat and support the misguided biscuit argument?

P.S. I have never heard of a fig role! Let me just ask my housemate... Wtf! Why would you want a fig wrapped in soft biscuit! *shudder* Anyhoo, it's still a biscuit, on the pack ingredient list it describes the content of the biscuit section :D.


In Cryo Sleep
Ronin Storm said:
Perhaps what I should have said is "function may lead to form, but function is not a prequisite of form". One cannot say "I need this to fly, so it must have wings" (e.g. rockets, helicopters, parachutes, Super Man). One can merely say "A flying thing often has wings, and some things with wings can fly". :)

Maybe this should be split from the thread since we're diverging from the Jaffa jabber :).

Function is indeed a prerequisite of form.

Although it maybe true that I can not specifically state all things that fly have wings, I can say "I need this to fly, so it must have lift". An object requiring lift to fly will have a certain shape, generally an aerodynamic one.

Everything I look at appears the way it does because or the task it was created to perform. Even me, I look the way I do for a reason.

Now, I have a lot more! But feel it should be kept short and simple so as not to overload one post. Problem is, your side of the argument is boned! There aren't many ways you can go :eek:.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Piacular said:
Maybe this should be split from the thread since we're diverging from the Jaffa jabber

Unfortunately, we're screwed on the split because splitting will take entire branch, including the on-topic replies... I could do a magical split/copy, I suppose... I'll think about how it should be done before I get to a reply.


In Cryo Sleep
I can't believe this thread lol. I only just saw it.

I've had this argument many times, from both sides of the argument (because I changed my mind). The thing that clinched it for me was I found an official website from the creators, and they said it was not one of them, it was the other. They did this because it meant something was cheaper for them, being classed as a cake meant something bad, I can't remember. I really don't want to get involved again because I fell out with a lot of people arguing about Jaffa Cakes lol.

Sorry I didn't read the thread, looks like you're talking about nutcases or something now. :s