In Cryo Sleep
The amount of loot that i would have loved to roll on but passed for others, and the amount that ive been out rolled for would make we wanna kill myself!
Until i remember this is a game, and just like the game, there is more than one copy of every piece of loot! Losing doesn't matter, nothing in this game is unique!
On a lighter note, i've healed as a Pally for many moons! and lets face it, it realy isn't hard work to heal, or hard work to top a healing meter
*spam, spam, spam, spam*
Until i remember this is a game, and just like the game, there is more than one copy of every piece of loot! Losing doesn't matter, nothing in this game is unique!
On a lighter note, i've healed as a Pally for many moons! and lets face it, it realy isn't hard work to heal, or hard work to top a healing meter