Just incase you hear any "ninja" stories

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In Cryo Sleep
The amount of loot that i would have loved to roll on but passed for others, and the amount that ive been out rolled for would make we wanna kill myself!

Until i remember this is a game, and just like the game, there is more than one copy of every piece of loot! Losing doesn't matter, nothing in this game is unique!

On a lighter note, i've healed as a Pally for many moons! and lets face it, it realy isn't hard work to heal, or hard work to top a healing meter :D *spam, spam, spam, spam*


In Cryo Sleep
lol well tbh u shud know as a pally healer bele that its nothing like tbc..its not all spam nowadays^^ a lot more to it:) and tough if the dps are stupid enough to take so much dmg:p


In Cryo Sleep
Tis true, there is a bit of a nack to it now, at least 5 buttons in some cases. But compared to other classes where healing spells are situational or have to be stacked, i'd say we got the easiest (and most painfully boring) time :)


In Cryo Sleep
well after playing a lock for 2 years a holy pala is interesting hehe^^ roll a lock bele:):D


New Member
I have just one thing to say that you silly addicts all should bare in mind.:D


and for the nostalgie that was Nero back in SSC i think beacause my internet was perfect in those old times, god i loved those days that i should not worry about a dc and dont get loot because there are ppls going 2 cry because >>MY<< internet sucks.



In Cryo Sleep
Not to sound like a dick dragging up the past here but Im preety sure you were offline for a lot of Hyjal once and then something dropped for us and you won it even though you werent there. I think it was you but it may have been nactall :p

(oh and for the record, must've been Nactall, was in Hyjal once with you guys when we got to 2nd boss and struggled;) )

and for the nostalgie that was Nero back in SSC i think beacause my internet was perfect in those old times, god i loved those days that i should not worry about a dc and dont get loot because there are ppls going 2 cry because >>MY<< internet sucks.

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