Level 60 raiding: Roll call!


Well-Known Member
Okay, in order to work out how much of what we have, I'd like to get as many of the people involved in the Haven LX raiding as possible to shout out here about their class/spec and suchlike.

If you have professions, listing them would be appreciated as well (including any specialisations).

Multiple characters are fine so long as it doesn't overly detract too much from either, just make sure you've shouted out about both.

And to make it clear again; membership of the Haven LX guild is not required to be in the raids or involved with its activities! The point of the guild is to have a guildbank, a different and (hopefully) recognisable guild name, a different tabard (thematically the same as our regular one with some colour changes), etc. You can happily join in from outside the guild, no worries about any of it!

Anyhoo, I'll start:

Koreyna : shaman, Elemental (Resto dualspec). Herbalism/Alchemy.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Artreya: Tank (hopefully) and I'll eventually dual-spec him as dupz.

Mining and Blacksmith.


In Cryo Sleep
Tarumar, my level 30-something (progressing nicely) Druid.

I'm planning to go at least resto, not sure on the second spec yet. Leveling as feral.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Zyr, the Death Knight: either DPS or tank, depending on what the team needs, but unlikely to get dual-specced.

Also, miner and jewel-crafter.



Active Member
Vieret, currently 48 affliction warlock. Professions currently tailor/herbalist but subject to change. Spec will most probably remain the same (affli).


Gombol, Will be Holy Pala, at about level 40 or so (when the leveling gets easier and slightly fun instances come into play), you know how fast i level though, so shouldnt take long.


Raexin (Main). Tankadin, Blacksmith (armor)/Mining
Taeldi. Hunter, MM atm but dunno. LW/skinning


Mithnubor, level 13 working upwards, will be shadow as main specc holy as offspecc.

Herbalist and alchemist


Creepzz, level 33 discipline priest. (Herbalism, Inscription)
Muyaro, level 19 balance druid. (Herbalism, Alchemist)

This is what i have so far, i'm not sure what im going to bring for this project.
I still got room for one more character on SSL, i might make another one depending on what the other people bring.


In Cryo Sleep
Kusak, level 32 protection warrior. (Blacksmithing, Mining)

Im willing to go whatever speciality blacksmithing which will be more useful.
My main is Kongore from <Ashen Order> if anyone wants to get in contact with me about anything.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
if you want any leatherworking kit Razz while levelling give me a holler.


Umm, I was a bit undecided about what char to use. I have a 30 shammy I said I would use but I would like to play her at 80. I have a 60 priest that I would like to use but he's in Outland so I would have to strip him of his current gear.
So if that is cool, I'll be using Ildanach 60 Holy Priest.


Well-Known Member
Now up to 20, I r cat, hear me miaow...

Off work all next week, so planning to be 60 by next Friday :D