Level 60 raiding: Roll call!


Hmm.. i was planning to bring a druid or priest but appearantly we have plenty of them already. I might start a brand new shiney lvl 1 character. :D


Active Member
Vieret hit 60 yesterday night, is now capped and upgrading the 3 bits of D1 she has. She also needs more level 60 companions so that dire maulage, scholomancing, stratholmness, lbrs and other funsies can ensue.

Also, I posted on the official SSL forums with a heads-up that this guilds exists and that anyone interested should check out this forum or poke anyone in LX ingame. I hope this was the right thing to do, as we clearly need more people.


In Cryo Sleep
I'm leveling Kusak to 45 (43 currently) then going Scholomance, Stratholme and Dire Maul crazy, boosting myself with my other account. Anyone online at the time is more than welcome to come along, just as long as they don't take any of my tanky plate looties! Also, I am planning once we start getting more folk dinging at least 55 to start boosting Molten Core gearing runs, I'm sure I can get a couple of other 80s along to get the job done too.


New Member

I am playing a rogue, and i already saw that some person (No name calling) had the same idea about what class 2 play in the Haven LX ^_^

Already got the invite to the guild and im lvl 32 with Sesan atm. I dont know yet what spec I will be playing but im leveling as a ... well uhm dps ^_^ just trying everything tbh.



I am planning once we start getting more folk dinging at least 55 to start boosting Molten Core gearing runs, I'm sure I can get a couple of other 80s along to get the job done too.

Didnt we say no boosts in the raids and very few boosts even on lower lvls if any at all?


In Cryo Sleep
I've not seen anything on the subject, no.. but by all means if that is the case then I won't do so.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

There's nothing on this thread, but it's definitely against the spirit of this venture. Check out the main thread and you'll see what I mean.



New Member
After all, the main challenge is getting there... MC is a goal here, not a farming spot. We need to gear up to be able to enjoy Molten Core and the likes in a way as close as possible to what they were 3-4 years ago. That's the whole point, isn't it? And when after a couple of weeks or even months we realize that we can do BWL, it will be truly deserved. Only then will we fully understand that it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
What he said ^^

Personally, I plan to get to 55 as quickly as possible and that includes getting boosts in instances and using heirloom gear etc, and maybe get boosted for Onyxia until I get the druid T2 helm or she's taken out of the game - but I won't be using that helm until I have other T2 equivalent gear.

Once I am at the level to be doing Strat, Scholo etc (around 58) I will be doing that with a group of the appropriate level and gearing; once I've cleared it a couple of times, I might get a boost through to try and get class-specific Tier 0 drops if there aren't enough ppl around to do it properly. Anything classed as a raid (UBRS or above) is strictly 60s only!

Again, YMMV but that's how I intend to approach it.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Let me know when you start doing that. I need to get Zyr some gear as well. At this moment, he is literally naked, except for two pieces of D1 and an epic sword.

By naked, I don't mean grey items, I mean naked. Empty slots. All I had was DK starter gear, and I banked it all.



In Cryo Sleep
So I dunno what to spec as my secondary spec on Naratae till I know what we need more, kitty, bear or BOooOOooomking.

BUT, I do know this will be my Tree spec: Clicky!
Figured the best thing I can do is to sacrifice wild growth for 5% more HoT healing and cheaper (9% on almost all heals, 15% on glyphed healing touch) heals were the way to go since aoe healing is a luxury my mana won't afford in 60 raids.

Here's my bear spec if I'm needed to tankify Rawr!
and Boomkin!


In Cryo Sleep
Here's my bear spec if I'm needed to tankify Rawr!

Are you sure Furor is worth the 5 ranks you could've otherwise spent on 1 rank in Improved Mangle and 4 in Rend and Tear (wchich is awesome)? At level 80 60% of my damage comes from Maul and it's a huge part of my threat. I don't think 10 extra rage at the start of a fight will be equal to that, especially not since you can start out with ~30 rage anyway.


In Cryo Sleep
Are you sure Furor is worth the 5 ranks you could've otherwise spent on 1 rank in Improved Mangle and 4 in Rend and Tear (wchich is awesome)? At level 80 60% of my damage comes from Maul and it's a huge part of my threat. I don't think 10 extra rage at the start of a fight will be equal to that, especially not since you can start out with ~30 rage anyway.

Yeah my thinking was that I'd move the points across if I was having threat issues at all, but in the meantime you gotta remember Rend and Tear only works if the target is bleeding and bears didn't get a bleed till after level 60, Lacerate. Basically it forces me to rely on other characters to put bleeds on my targets or else render 4 of my talent points moot. Additionally, being able to powershift for rage when enrage is on cd is pretty valuable, not essential but like I said, for now it's what I'll go with.


In Cryo Sleep
i´m a little in cash problemz. but i wil get 1 as soon al posable.
becose my 2 accounts were hacked. that that isnt a prob i wil as soon as poseble try to lvl and join the guild. i wil make a priest(holy) or Druid(tank or resto)


In Cryo Sleep
Ambbrose is lvl 60 tauren warrior prot spec he is a Eng/miner but happy to change spec to dps if needed but currently tanky geared


my paladin Eryn is almost lvl 41 now, id like to do some tanky business. Either that or healing :)