[EVE] literally god-guns


New Member
And to think I had one of their members scouted into my corp for a bit before stranding him in the middle of heavily-occupied nullsec space...

... But my god, thats some evul range right there...


Staff member
Dear CCP: why aren't impossible values like this logged and investigated?

And HOW has the game been running for seven years without proper handling of unsigned numbers?


Junior Administrator
Dear CCP: why aren't impossible values like this logged and investigated?

And HOW has the game been running for seven years without proper handling of unsigned numbers?

Pretty much what I have been thinking... the very first things I always do when writing a new function is range checking on the inputs - if it's out of an expected range then something somewhere has gone wrong and an error should be reported...


New Member
I by the rules of BDT: Basic Destructive Testing

If there is any way, in any form, that you can think of breaking a program, THAT should be the first things you test. Range testing should have been the first thing tested with the WH modifiers, or at least set the range with a minimal value of 0.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much what I have been thinking... the very first things I always do when writing a new function is range checking on the inputs - if it's out of an expected range then something somewhere has gone wrong and an error should be reported...

well, to be fair, if the stacking penalty for the TD effect of a magnetar actually worked properly it wouldn't be needed :D

but yeah, a valid point none-the-less

EDIT: on another note, i wonder if anyone has tried using the bug with an un-sieged dread :eek:


Junior Administrator
I think that there will be people who, having been exploiting this bug, are going to be getting hit with the banhammer - CCP doesn't take kindly to people knowingly exploiting bugs...