Little technical help, please?


Well-Known Member
As some of you might have become aware (and bored) of, I've been complaining more and more lately about my PC's performance during raids, and it occurs to me that its performance has been steadily decreasing over the last half year or so, for no reason I can really think of. I got a slight boost when I upgraded my graphics card (courtesy of Q-man), but that didn't stop the continued downhill trend.

I'm already almost incapable of doing 25-mans; I certainly cannot tank or heal in them, as I'd be a liability to the group, and my performance as a DPS goes down somewhat as well (bear in mind that I play a damned simple, face-roll-tastic DPS spec, and my FPS is dropping low enough to significantly impact that). My performance in 10-mans is also starting to drop far more than I care for, and I've got a feeling that we'd have had more rapid success with Rotface in ICC10 the other day if not for my FPS hovering between 2.0 and 5.0 (absolute best) during boss fights.

Long story short, if the downwards trend continues, I'll be stepping back from raiding until I can sort it, as I don't want to be a liability to our groups. To try and avoid this, I'm looking for a little technical help from some of our more knowledgeable peoples here.

First up, my PC specs (according to dxdiag and CPU-Z):

CPU: "Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80Ghz" (Codename "Prescott", Socket 478 mPGA, Pentium 4 HT)

Mobo: ASUSTeK P4P800 (Chipset: i865P/PE/G/i848P). It's an AGP 3.0 board

Memory: 2048 MBytes DDR, ~200Mhz DRAM frequency

Graphics card: Sapphire Radeon X1600 Pro (512Mb, AGP 0x71C2)

Sound card: C-Media Wave Device and a SoundMAX Digital Audio; I use both of them simultaneously, one for the microphone and one for sound out. Not ideal, I know, but this was the easiest setup I could use without -something- freaking out, and it didn't seem to affect performance for anything.

Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP2 (Version 2002). I refuse to upgrade to SP3 for various reasons.

All drivers are up to date (I've had a subscription to DriverHQ's Driver Detective since my first year of university, and I update them periodically to be sure. For the graphics card, I alternate between official drivers and Omega ones, and the Omega ones seem to do a very slightly better job (although the effect of the Omega ones is more pronounced in other games than in WoW).

I use TuneUp Utilities and Ccleaner on a reasonably regular basis to keep things clean, I'm active in my use of Spybot and TeaTimer (haven't had anything show up on scan in ages now), I use PerfectDisk 8.0 every two to three weeks to defrag (I let TuneUp defrag every few days as well).

In a raid, I'll have my graphics on lowest settings, and tend to run in a 1024*768 window (seems to run better windowed, plus I don't much fancy stretching a low resolution like that to fullscreen...). I shut off all processes but those for WoW, TS3, and sometimes Xfire (this'll go too if I'm desperate). I also have a fairly minimalistic number of WoW mods running (last raid I stripped it down to DBM, Omen, Pallypower, Clique, Quartz and AG Unit Frames; I consider these to be the essentials, everything else was turned off, AtlasLoot included).

WoW's the one that suffers the most, performance-wise, these days. My FPS on my Alliance alt in Vanilla areas with no other players nearby rarely rises above 25, my Dalaran FPS on any realm ranges from 1-6, and my 10-man raid FPS is pretty much the same as Dalaran, but a little smoother (if that makes any sense). Other games suffer as well, including EVE (which WOULD run better if I turned the resolution down, but I'd rather have a bit of lag and lowest graphics than reduce my screen space in that game), Fallout 3 (running it on less than minimum thanks to config file tweaks), and even stuff like Torchlight gets wonky.

Well... that's a lot of info and rambling... if anyone's made it this far, do you have any suggestions? I loathe having to not attend because of tragic FPS, I hate not being able to even consider 25-mans, I'm incredibly frustrated by my degrading performance when I have no idea what's causing it, and I simply cannot afford to upgrade my computer for at least a few months (since my motherboard is an AGP, if I want to upgrade, I have to upgrade pretty much everything in one go; this mobo can't take any dual-core or quad-core CPUs, can't handle more RAM, and can't take a better graphics card without costing loads, so I'd be upgrading CPU, Mobo and GPU all in one go, quite possibly with new RAM as well).

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. I'm off to resume grinding through the WoW tech support forums in hope of something useful...


In Cryo Sleep
I see nothing that could imply such a performance lost over time, as your system and the options you choose are more than enough to get FPS to acceptable levels. To be honest, I'd reformat the drive and reinstall Windows, as the OS tends to accumulate a lot of trash over time and obstructs its own processes over the course of years. I have seen this no matter how effective the regcleaner I've used.


Well-Known Member
I see nothing that could imply such a performance lost over time, as your system and the options you choose are more than enough to get FPS to acceptable levels. To be honest, I'd reformat the drive and reinstall Windows, as the OS tends to accumulate a lot of trash over time and obstructs its own processes over the course of years. I have seen this no matter how effective the regcleaner I've used.

Unfortunately, reformatting is an absolute last resort for me as I have insufficient external storage to back up most of my stuff (my main external drive died on me some time ago), and I don't have an OS disk (although I have no qualms about getting hold of TinyXP like I had on my old laptop). It IS an option, but I want to do as much as I possibly can to fix what I have first before I blitz it clean.


Junior Administrator
why are you not updating to SP3? It contained alot of improvements and also security updates and may well improve your performance somewhat... though to be quite honest, probably not by much.

I'll be quite honest, without a dual core processor now WoW will perform VERY badly IMO - the main bottleneck in performance appears to be related to how much data your CPU can push around, so with lots of things going on it's going to be difficult to keep up.

My only real suggestion, for any kind of noticeable performance increase, would be an upgrade I'm afraid... I don't know if you would have any money at all that you could upgrade with, but there are low(ish) budget solutions out there that would make a whole world of difference and last for a long time.

Assuming your PSU is up to the job, for under £300 you can get: <---- mobo bundle, quad core, 4GB ram, £230 <----- GFX card, £46

Might be worth a look...


Well-Known Member
Trust me, I've got bookmarks everywhere for hardware I want to buy, but let's just say that unless I get very lucky for my birthday, I'm unlikely to be able to afford anything for up to half a year, hardware-wise.


Staff member
In game settings turn off "reduce interface lag" and any and all vertical sync options you can find both in-game and in driver settings.

It very much does sound like your computer is hosed and possibly also CPU limited (make sure hyper threading is on!) with only a single core. I'd turn off any Anti-Virus you have running (yeah risky but it screws gaming more often than not) and set a bare minimum number of services to run on startup:

The above link has some useful reg scripts that I used to use to lower the profile on XP boxes. Read the info.html for more details.

I'd not worry too much about dropping texture details etc as the X1600 should be able to handle those fine with 512MB of RAM. It may also be worth completely cleaning your video drivers off the system and starting from scratch on those just to be sure there's no issue there.

Thats a start and a few things to try but without more info it really isn't possible to offer more specific advice. You've already mentioned TinyXP and it is indeed very good and I would recommend it for a gaming only machine. I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and buy/borrow an external drive if the above doesn't help you so that you can start over.


Well-Known Member
In game settings turn off "reduce interface lag" and any and all vertical sync options you can find both in-game and in driver settings.

It very much does sound like your computer is hosed and possibly also CPU limited (make sure hyper threading is on!) with only a single core. I'd turn off any Anti-Virus you have running (yeah risky but it screws gaming more often than not) and set a bare minimum number of services to run on startup:

The above link has some useful reg scripts that I used to use to lower the profile on XP boxes. Read the info.html for more details.

I'd not worry too much about dropping texture details etc as the X1600 should be able to handle those fine with 512MB of RAM. It may also be worth completely cleaning your video drivers off the system and starting from scratch on those just to be sure there's no issue there.

Thats a start and a few things to try but without more info it really isn't possible to offer more specific advice. You've already mentioned TinyXP and it is indeed very good and I would recommend it for a gaming only machine. I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and buy/borrow an external drive if the above doesn't help you so that you can start over.

Thanks for the Vsync, I'd turned it off in game but forgot to turn it off elsewhere, so I've done that. I didn't have an anti-virus running (only Spybot's TeaTimer, which I turn off when necessary). Going to look into the Hyper-Threading now, just to make sure...


Have you tried turning graphics down to min? I always played on Min graphics (With Terrain Distancing about half way or so up) to reduce lag in Citys. Might help.

Sometimes the simplist answer is the one you need.


In Cryo Sleep
From experience full screen mode is 10 times better than windowed?

Also i once hoovered my pc out, youd be suprised at what comes out dust wise, worth a go as last resort could be over heating in there?


In Cryo Sleep
From experience full screen mode is 10 times better than windowed?

Yes, windowed mode destroys your FPS. When I tried windows mode when I was using dual monitors (This is on my current machine, of which you know the specs) the game was as stuttery as a fat man with a speech impedement calling out for the treadmill he's on to be stopped.

Also i once hoovered my pc out



Well-Known Member
Have you tried turning graphics down to min? I always played on Min graphics (With Terrain Distancing about half way or so up) to reduce lag in Citys. Might help.

Windzarko said:
In a raid, I'll have my graphics on lowest settings

I am not stupid.

Also, on the windowed front, I only have it as such because it seems to produce better results, but I shall try fullscreen again soon if nothing else works.


I never said you were, did i? Just thought you might of not thought about the simple option and skipping straight to hardware.

Guess i wont attempt to be nice to you anymore. Not worth the effort of the rudeness its replied with.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[mod]Play nice, fellahs.

Help offered, relevant or not, is still trying to help. Having the last word rarely makes things better and usually makes things worse.

Just move along. Nothing to see here.[/mod]

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
It sounds like you've mostly exhausted your usual checklist for PC maintenance. To be honest, I think that getting a cheap external, and just reinstalling Windows wouldn't be too hard. Hell, as long as you've got your original CD key, I'm sure one of us on here has an OEM disc somewhere that you could use for that.

The only other thing I'd suggest is just the dusting of the computer; it does actually account for a fair bit.

Sorry, I've not really been any use; just repeated what's been said earlier. Eh. Good luck with getting it sorted.