This hurts my head!
I propose a new system whereby we adopt GSP's.
Guild Sexiness Points
The sexier you are, the more loot you get. It's simples.
Now I know what you're thinking.. how would you ever compete with certain members in our guild,
like me. Well, BP's..
Bribe Points
..can be accrued by our more unfortunate and un-sexy members, such as Huung. I'll give you an example.
We're running an uber instance like Molten Bore, and my GSP's are just rolling on in. It's like, every time I block an attack and flash a sexy grin, I gain a GSP. So Huung, that's him in the back there with the paper bag on his head,
..can randomly donate gold/food/his soul to me when
I'm not too busy being sexy. If I'm so inclined I will then trade one of my GSP's for one of his BP's.
BP's are accrued by simply turning up for a raid. GSP's are accrued by being sexy. So are you with me so far? Good.
So now for the important part: BFP's.
Bruce Forsyth Points
Earning these is a tad more complex and will benefit from some macro knowledge. I'll show by way of example:
Upon encountering a boss, our raid leader shouts out "Nice to see you!".. at which point you have five seconds to respond with "To see you, NICE!". Upon lewtz dropping, I'd also watch out for "What do points mean?".. "PRIZES!"
Each successful response is awarded with 1 BFP. I should also point out that inappropriate use of Brucie quotes results in -BP! So careful on how you use those.. this is there as an anti-spam measure.
BFP can be traded in for BP, which as previously explained can become GSP. BP can also be accrued by gathering things for the guild, such as fish, food, herbs, and
ripped ogre loincloths.
Raid drops vary in price, but typically a weapon would cost between 1,000-5,000 GSP's and armour about 3,000.
I propose we adopt this system immediately.
*Cracks Whip*