

I keep meaning to ask in game but I always forget. Just wondering why there hasnt been more attempts at him.



In Cryo Sleep
The main problem is we dont have a good enough group to do it. Because our healers keep wanting to DPS and our DPS keep wanting to tank etc. As a result of this there are very few people who are of a standard caqpable of doing this boss.

This is all.

-- The Unbreakable One


Fair enough, although I think we are more than capable of taking him down, at least in 10 man.

What would be the harm in trying once or twice a month?


In Cryo Sleep
We are doing that but the ten man is just as hard as the 25 but for different reasons.

We have exactly 3 active raiders at the moment who do enough damage to take Maylgos down easily on 10 man and we need 7.


In Cryo Sleep
How much does each person need to put out? Quite like to have a goal to aim for :)

BTW Only 25 days till im home. :D I hate it out here.


In Cryo Sleep
Being in all attempts at malygos so far, from a heaing pint of view, its a nightmare!

A combo of MT and raid healer is needed, myself and blacker healed it to the furthest point so far and it was extremely intense, every1 is getting hurt, every1 needs to be at full health before a vortex, and every1 has to be at full health after a vortex.

Unfortunatly its very much a "you have to be on the ball fight" and you have to be geared.

At our current status, we have possibly 1 10 man grp who could, and have given it a go. But to get him down so we know what to do, its gonna take a bit longer.

Ofc, if we can keep the 25 man naxx running and gearing people, we'll have that dragon on farm before you can say "Metal Gear"


New Member
How much does each person need to put out? Quite like to have a goal to aim for :)

It's not as much as how much DPS people do, the thing about Malygos is to know HOW to dps him while in phase 3, people will need to understand how to stack up fire buffs on him, and how to move around him during the fight.

The easyest way is to have everyone stack up in a big ball in front of him, this will make healing alot simpler, and when he throws out one of his lightning cloud things.. you simply move to the right, and everyone has to be syncronized in this.

a good dpser should have about 17-25 stacks on him during this fight, if not, I dont think you will make it before he enrages.

but ofcourse, dps during phase 1 and 2 are also important, just not equally to that while during phase 3.



In Cryo Sleep
Actually it's Arithidrimme, Masia and Zorse, you are close but there still a noticeable gap between the three of them and everyone else. Whats worrying is that theres a fyrther noticeable gap between most people and some really poor people.


Well-Known Member
Give me weapons that arent 72 quest greens and I'll soon be on track :D

No way can we let those three beat the rest of us ;)


New Member
And with Enough damage, exactly what is enough for a raider that's downed KT 25 and has decent gear ?!


In Cryo Sleep
Both Sasser and Brighthorn are putting out some serious damage and keep me on my toes during raids. As to their raid availibility, I've not really been paying attention.

Like Tuldur, I've been keeping an eye on those good old damage meters and it's worrying, there's clear gaps between the good player's with good gear, the good player's with poor gear, and then the poor players and the guys with 'I shouldn't be in naxx' gear but they're imba. We have 5/6 people able to do 2.5, then a drop of ~500 to the next set of players and then a second drop of ~400 to the 3rd lot. Then you have the guys bearly out dpsing tanks (bar tuldur and peterson, who I've seen break 2K while tanking o_O) that are only there to make up the numbers.

And actually, Brighthorn has a tendency to take my DPS, bend it over a table and... well the results look very painful. :D