

Well-Known Member
Dont worry, they're nerfing frost dps in a misguided attempt to nerf DW death knights

DW Frost and Unholy have been known to reach stupid numbers (6.5k+ DPS was the one cited lots), so I wouldn't say it's misguided...

And the Warrior nerf won't take you out of the competitive running, you'll still do monstrous damage, Bright.


In Cryo Sleep
The 6.5K number was on AoE mobs, using Howling Blast and Impurity talents mainly (which I agree was hax) but moving HB and gargoyle to 51 point talents would nerf their DPS significantly, increasing HB's CD is overkill. I've seen Fan of Knives do far more damage than my HB, but then I dont have Impurity.


New Member
We have 5/6 people able to do 2.5

2.5k dps is in my mind, a low minimum of what a person is allowed to do, a raider should be able to put out at least 3.5 in a 25 man raid.

I myself when leading raids is always runnin WWS reports, and after a raid is finished I post it on our guildforum, so that every raider can see themself how they are doing against everyone else.

This is a good thing to do, the raidleader or one of the officers should take it on themselfs to do this every raid, this will give you the chance to see exactly what people are doing, those with low dps might need a hand with their rotations och speccs, to improve their boss dps.

I know gear does alot more for some classes than others, but knowing your class will allow you to dps just as much as others.

Here's the top 6 dps from our last naxx 25 Thaddius kill, I know that there is quite a gear diff between what we have, and what some of the Haven raiders have, but it's still something that isn't that far away in the future, if you keep up progressing.

1. Phippeh [DK] 9087
2. Ivandrago [Enhance shammy] 8596
3. Mortallis [Retri paladin] 7809
4. Myber [DK] 7754
5. Nra [Rogue] 7398
6. Vegna [Frostfire mage] 7392

Ofc Thaddius is alot about tactics, but if you can stack your buffs, he will be an easy cake to take down.


In Cryo Sleep
Interesting information there - Any chance you can post your dps for a fight that isnt affected by buffs from the encounter.


New Member
Absolutley, Here's the dps from Patchwerk.

again I will post our top 6 dpsers.

1. Vegna [Frostfire Mage] 5245
2. Phippeh [Death Knight] 5160
3. Ifan [Frostfire Mage] 4993
4. Ivandrago [Enhance Shaman] 4920
5. Nra [Rogue] 4880
6. Mortallis [Retri Paladin] 4581


In Cryo Sleep
The highest overall I can recall is 4k for me and Sasser(at least, I think it was Sasser) when the raid was well geared towards buffing melee.


In Cryo Sleep
I have healed malygos 2 or 3 times now and it is NOT easy. Not only do the dpsers have to be up to scratch but that have to be on their toes looking for sparks and not just kill at any random time. The healings a nightmare, it got to a point where the healing was good enough to get us to stage 3 with me bele and blacker. However he enraged with probably over 20% of his health left so it is a heads up fight and needs the best of the best to go.


Well-Known Member
The 6.5K number was on AoE mobs, using Howling Blast and Impurity talents mainly (which I agree was hax) but moving HB and gargoyle to 51 point talents would nerf their DPS significantly, increasing HB's CD is overkill. I've seen Fan of Knives do far more damage than my HB, but then I dont have Impurity.

The Blue I saw talking about it was citing boss numbers; AoE on trash doesn't matter a toss :P


In Cryo Sleep
The highest overall I can recall is 4k for me and Sasser(at least, I think it was Sasser) when the raid was well geared towards buffing melee.
I've beaten 4k as blood with you guys on Patchy :P as has Q-man.

Mas, sadly the 6.5k dps being thrown around -was- on Patchwerk. not aoe, hence the DW/frost nerf. I just read a parse of 7310 dps on Patch in 25.
Wow-meter link.