Massive sale at Good Old Games

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I really do love it, but I haven't managed to play much of it yet. I had the 'too many games to play' syndrome when I bought it, so I flew a few missions, decided it was brilliant game, and then moved onto something else. Do not fear, I'll return to it someday!

In terms of mechanics, it's probably the best space combat game I've played. I love playing around with the power allocation (weapons/shields/engine) and the shield thing is pretty cool. Best of all is launching a cluster of homing missiles; it's great watching them diverge and then swarm towards something.

It's the pinnacle of the space shooter. It's also my favourite game of all time. The mission design and atmosphere have never been equalled either, let alone bested.


Junior Administrator
With Freespace 2, if you haven't already, I strongly suggest you check this place out.

The source code for the FS2 game engine was released a while back, this download enhances the game by making sure it works on more current platforms, enhances the graphics, makes sure it supports proper widescreen resolutions, and adds support for a metric fuckton of mods and such.