Lucky Star (comedy)
One word:

She makes Lucky Star what it is.
Lucky Star (comedy)
... but I could pretty much have shot Chris in the face myself for treating Carla so poorly. ...
My favorite starting line from any book is still "It was the morning my grandmother exploded" (Crow Road)"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault."
Harry Dresden, Blood Rites.
Best first sentence in a book ever.
Greg Bear
Isaak Assimov
Isaac Assimov is awesome.
Isaac Asimov elD...
Anime: Fairy Tail
A fairly new comedy/fighting anime. The setting's pretty standard fantasy. It's nothing too special, but it's fun to watch. The two biggest criticisms I've heard are the addtition of magic circles with spells (those weren't there in the manga) and Lucy (one of the main characters) having the same voice as Haruhi. The music is especially good. Here's an example.
Fairy Tail
I'd like to recommend this one a second time. The final episode of the first season will become available withing the week, and a second season is in the works. There's no english dub yet, but the subs are good. The manga the anime is based on is also a good read.