MS Access Coursework Help?


In Cryo Sleep
IF I had a choice in the matter, I'd learn sql or whatever it is,

I'd hope that in 2 and a half months that learning SQL would be part of your databases module.....

SQL is pretty simple though. Starting with:

SELECT things FROM table WHERE condition;

tada! Easy peasy.


Super Moderator
Staff member
dez: on mac i have postgre, Mysql and sqlite running nicely. you can also get full sql server for free as a student via the dreamspark site if you're going for a windows dev environment

also CotD: in access i think it's datepart that is the function for getting parts of the date. if memeory serves it can also get the "day of the year" which means you only need 2 comparisons to check they're over 17


In Cryo Sleep
also CotD: in access i think it's datepart that is the function for getting parts of the date. if memeory serves it can also get the "day of the year" which means you only need 2 comparisons to check they're over 17

Why can't you just do:

student.dob < dateadd( 'yyyy', -17, date() )

Remember dates are usually stored as 1 number, and only formatted as multiple. Comparing dates is the same as seeing whether one number is bigger than the other. It shouldn't need two comparisons.


Super Moderator
Staff member
access handles (or did) dates horribly and because of that i don't trust it, i believe it was my AH project i had to do that to get the result because it does silly things like stores the date in a different format to display, though hopefully that was a localisation issue that doesn't exist any more...


In Cryo Sleep
access handles (or did) dates horribly and because of that i don't trust it, i believe it was my AH project i had to do that to get the result because it does silly things like stores the date in a different format to display, though hopefully that was a localisation issue that doesn't exist any more...

Another reason to not use Access :D


In Cryo Sleep
...except that in this case it's not an option :p

Which is too common a problem.

"We want you to do this"
"Can I use < suitable bit of good software > ?"
"No, you have to use <shitty piece of software > "
