Wols take on web design and development:
1) Frontpage: don't use it. just don't. Notepad(++) is a good way forward. WYSIWYG web dev things wank all over your site and seem to screw stuff up a fair bit.
2) Forms: If you need them just for show as you said, don't use frontpage(again....)'s form creator, as it does cunty things like that form submitter page. You can usually just stick in the elements, and just have the submit button either not do anything, or have its onClick attribute do a simple "window.location('submitted.htm');" kind of thing.
3) Pages can have titles. "New Page 1" is a shit title
4) Don't use frames - more requests to your server, more bandwidth used, slower load time.
5) The layout of the pictures / text alternating sides is nice. Good to have pictures to go along with what you're describing which is less monotonous. Possibly make them a bit smaller, as they do dominate the page a lot.
6) Try and use titles a lot more distinctively. You've got 16pt purple title, in regular text. Try emphasising it a bit more with a colour that stands out from the black and really defines a break between sections in the page.
7) There seems to be a big black chunk on the right hand side wasting the lovely res of my screen. Wol doesn't spend that much on a monitor just for it to be wasted on blackness.
8) The buttons in the nav bar, although looking funky with the different pic when rolled over, can pretty much be implemented in CSS alone ("navitem:hover{ bgcolor:#diffcolor; }"). List items can be used for this. This also reduces the number of requests to your server, as well as bandwidth and load time as before. At least you've got the alt texts on the menu (although not on the other pics on the site...), but for a crappy web browser, it will appreciate having the things as a list item, rather than images!
Bearing in mind this is a fairly critical appraisal, and considering its GCSE level, its a darn sight better than most that I usually see ;-)
p.s. don't cite wikipedia as the very first thing you see when you goto the site
. heh